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Space Karen 20 Jan, 2018 @ 3:39pm
Buying a new Ship?
Still on my starting ship and got around 8k gold but I want to buy a better ship. Problem is the medium ship has some research requirements so I can't buy it; second problem is I can't research these requirements. What do I do? :( Do I have to visit a specific port for these requirements or what am I missing?
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Mantomex 20 Jan, 2018 @ 3:44pm 
Research are only available in 3 cities: Nantucket, Peterhead and Honolulu. Apart from this, some compartments require a special skill in order to start the research. You can hire a crew member with the right skill or you can unlock and assign the skill to the Captain.

If you click on the compartment you want to upgrade, there is a list of requirements. If there is a skill needed, you will see it there.
Space Karen 20 Jan, 2018 @ 3:47pm 
Alrighty, thanks a bunch.
Antiga 21 Jan, 2018 @ 8:56am 
Very frustrating how you're forced to hire crew with a specific subclass in order to progress to better ships, especially when there's room for only 3 crew, and two of those are forced to be engineers, or engi + sailor or engi + scientist. That, or mess up your captain in order to unlock a compartment. Still hurts when upgrading, gaining the ability to have 6 crew, you now need 4 of them specialized to compartments to further upgrade. This leaves very little flexibility in how you'd like to from your crew.
Bad design choice here.
Space Karen 21 Jan, 2018 @ 9:40am 
Originally posted by Antiga:
Very frustrating how you're forced to hire crew with a specific subclass in order to progress to better ships, especially when there's room for only 3 crew, and two of those are forced to be engineers, or engi + sailor or engi + scientist. That, or mess up your captain in order to unlock a compartment. Still hurts when upgrading, gaining the ability to have 6 crew, you now need 4 of them specialized to compartments to further upgrade. This leaves very little flexibility in how you'd like to from your crew.
Bad design choice here.

I agree. It was a bit annoying to manage the crew like that but I finally got the Large ship so now I got a decent crew but it kind of hurt I had to fire one of my starting guys to get this working.
Antifreedomring 21 Jan, 2018 @ 10:42am 
I got the large ship from the starting ship found it to be very easy once i realised what i had to do. The problem is everyone is a filthy casual these days and arent interested in the slightest bit of thinking
sandmanjw 22 Jan, 2018 @ 4:02pm 
Originally posted by Antifreedomring:
I got the large ship from the starting ship found it to be very easy once i realised what i had to do. The problem is everyone is a filthy casual these days and arent interested in the slightest bit of thinking

It is actually the reverse of thinking.

You need no thinking at all to hire a crew man that has this skill to get this ship.

Thinking would be having passive skills that take more than 1 point to i want to wait 2 levels to get this skill to keep this crewman? Or just go with this setup and hire this guy and get that hunting skill now?....see that is thinking.

jeff.oster03 7 Oct, 2023 @ 8:16pm 
Yeah it sucks I have to fire one of my 3 crew members in order to hire the guy with the skill to research what I want to research to buy my next ship. I am attached to these guys! And one of them is my lover!
Antifreedomring 8 Oct, 2023 @ 8:26am 
Holy necro batman
Bram 6 Nov, 2023 @ 7:32am 
This is my main gripe with the game. Makes ZERO sense. Stupid mechanic. You end up with useless sailors because you have to pick some bad classes for a upgrading a boat.
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