Battle Snails

Battle Snails

17 out. 2018 às 9:17
Epic Snails goes cross-platform!
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A mostrar 1-5 de 5 comentários
Tiger 18 out. 2018 às 13:38 
Sounds really cool! :D
DragoCubed 19 out. 2018 às 22:04 
Sounds awesome! I just signed up
Robert 10 nov. 2018 às 5:27 
Waluigi_Time! 10 nov. 2018 às 13:15 
The answer to finding more players is rather simple in my opinion. See, Epic Snails requires that a number of other people be online at the same time in order to play, but should life happen and people can't be online, like in time zones when others are asleep or at work, you won't be able to play. Thus you wait for people to be online to play, but if everyone thinks this way at the same time, no one will go on. However, should there be some incentive for people to play solo, like a 1-player minigame or CPUs that you can play against in the normal game, then people will have a reason to play even if there aren't enough players online for the normal mode. Then people will have reason to go online and soon lots of people will be playing!
Just my two cents. :steamhappy:
calhoonith 31 dez. 2018 às 14:02 
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