Dog Duty

Dog Duty

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markv 5 Oct, 2020 @ 11:15am
how can i make wasd work for scrolling?
the key bindings in the launcher don't seem to do anything.

scrolling via arrow keys or mouse is super annoying.

seems like a good game otherwise, so id appreciate some help. thanks!
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Octopus Commander  [developer] 15 Oct, 2020 @ 5:33pm 
Originally posted by markv:
the key bindings in the launcher don't seem to do anything.

scrolling via arrow keys or mouse is super annoying.

seems like a good game otherwise, so id appreciate some help. thanks!
Hello MarkV! I've added it, but the next patch will be available next week only. There's some changes and stuff for horde mode I want to finish first.
Sorry for the delay, and, thanks for asking!
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