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The logic of Marking targets and areas.
Pubg has a mix of things that make logical sense, and others that defy reality, and are almost magic. One of them is 3d markers, and pins. What equipment do you have that allows you to do this? When a comeback parachuter can 3d mark you from above like a UAV and show your location to all his teammates, its quite the stretch. This game used to not have the feature right? Then they added it, but it damn near feels like a grey area of FAke a roni, pseudo cheating built into the game. When a teammate marks a guy off in the distance I didnt see, then I see the ping. I zoom and scope right in on it, like some ESP. If I kill the guy, from his deathcam, he'll see it as me snapping on him suddenly. Why doesnt deathcam display 3d markers either to signal how you were found so incredibly easy? IMO, I'd like to see the 3d markers go bye bye for a while.