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ThErE's No ChEaTiNg iN pUbG.....
Look at this ♥♥♥♥, just played this fool

He followed every player he killed with crosshairs no matter where they were
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
no he not cheat he has better gaming chair :D
no he is not cheating its skill
please, delete this message, i beg u!
.. or face the the consequences of your wrongdoing aka callin out cHEaTEr - as it would trigger an unleashed onslaught of deniers. my advise: instead go shopping for an expensive skin or better >> something 'progressive' as a compensation and go on with ur sad life full of 'skill issues'.

PS> am on edge of my gaming chair for the updated weekly nUmBErS that clearly shows that the pLAyEr cOUnT has increased as it is the m0St pLAyEd gAM3 with mANy neW aCcoUNts vs the bans at the same time that shows, that indeed these are the same ppl. aka "corporate want you to..." :D
Last edited by resin.klonkri; 8 hours ago
He’s literally just farming bots on dead servers that have virtually no other real players in them. If you took five seconds to research instead of blindly raging about stats (which are meaningless when bots exist to infinitely inflate them), you would have realized this. (small sample but all his games are like this lol)
They play a mixture of duo and solo (casual), awful lot of bots on there, however, usually the last 10 or so players are real in casual, I thought there were less in normal mode.
Getting that many kills in a short time is pretty hard to do as bots kill each other too.
Last edited by Urbanmojo; 6 hours ago
not cheating. become good like him

in reality, there are only a few cheaters in PUBG. every video you see are extreme minority cases of the few times someone ran into an actual cheater. while the vast majority of the playerbase simply loves and plays the game with no complaints. there are like 200,000 people playing right now and they are not here or making videos of cheaters. they love and enjoy the game
hello everybody......i watched the replay of him, he was locked onto people behind hills waiting for them to get into the open for a shot, tell me how a player knows your location when you are behind cover

hell some player passed him in a car, drove over the hill got out of car and started to sneak around to flank him....his crosshairs stayed on him the entire time.......get off the drugs people
Neat, where’s the video?

I don’t think you (likely a <100-hour casual player)—who doesn't even realize you’re in a server with 95 bots—is qualified to call hacks on anyone, lol.
Originally posted by '12 CptPoopyHead:
Neat, where’s the video?

I don’t think you (likely a <100-hour casual player)—who doesn't even realize you’re in a server with 95 bots—is qualified to call hacks on anyone, lol.

1,782 hrs on record
last played on Mar 10

blow me, cheat protector
The game is infested with cheaters, the anti cheat does nothing to stop them. They are a protected species when they buy premium skins. Temp bans are useless.
4SAKEN 35 minutes ago 
Easy fix.... Hardware BAN.
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