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Shady Knights 18 Jan @ 3:47am
More than 10 cheaters found in a single match!

Hopefully this helps some with techniques in the replay tool to help identify those that are cheating, in particular the rampant wall hack/ESP cheaters that are far too common.

Do you think that this should be enough evidence to ban some of these players?

The match occurred 5 days ago, so far, not a single one has been banned.

Disclaimer for mods.

My content is specifically designed to comply with Steam community guidelines, especially with regards to your "Name and Shame" Policy.

The post, and the video linked in the post has no real names, no player handles and no Steam account information in it. There's literally no name at all, nor anything directly identifiable to anybody.

Therefore, when my posts gets reported for name and shame, please at least consider the possibility that it maybe a false report.

There's Trolls on this forum that seek to silence my posts because they don't agree with them. False reporting should also be moderated also.

Thank you.
< >
Showing 16-30 of 57 comments
Originally posted by notabanana:
Ridiculous how many players don't use recoil and don't get caught somehow...

and wall hacks.
Xunzul 20 Jan @ 11:58am 
Originally posted by Shady Knights:
7 days later, still not a single one perma banned.

Shady, some day ago i meet a cheater with invulnerability max tier, how did u think yet that reports are the solution ? The only solution here is Steam add a standard for games who host about cheating. The problem isn't the product, is the market where it's sold; if the market permit it, we all "complainers" versus cheating are the ones who are wrong. It appear logic to me but even immoral and not right, i know, but these are the facts.
Last edited by Xunzul; 20 Jan @ 12:00pm
Originally posted by Xunzul:
Originally posted by Shady Knights:
7 days later, still not a single one perma banned.

Shady, some day ago i meet a cheater with invulnerability max tier, how did u think yet that reports are the solution ? The only solution here is Steam add a standard for games who host about cheating. The problem isn't the product, is the market where it's sold; if the market permit it, we all "complainers" versus cheating are the ones who are wrong. It appear logic to me but even immoral and not right, i know, but these are the facts.

I agree Steam should be part of the solution too.

What's not a solution is to ignore it and pretend it isn't a problem. So far 8 days and no action taken on any of the cheaters featured in the video.
Noclown 21 Jan @ 8:43am 
Just git gud
them banning players is total bs
The fact that you made a special warning for people posing as moderators makes me realize how bad and useless Steam discussions are. :JunoClown:
reportar a este hijo de la gran puta @ H1T1e

Das ist tolerierbar und wenn ich Spam sende und CS2- und Pubg-Cheater entlarve, zensieren sie mich 7 Tage lang, und dürfen solche Leute das tun?

Это терпимо, и когда я рассылаю спам и разоблачаю читеров cs2 и pubg, меня подвергают цензуре на 7 дней, и разрешено ли таким людям делать это?

This is tolerable and when I spam and expose CS2 and PUBG cheaters I get censored for 7 days, and people like this are allowed to do this?

the day that God distributed the brains to humanity @ some were absent looking for cornstarch.exe

Clear proof that when cheat sellers are exposed, they seek to ruin threads like this one, thank you shady knights for your work, do not close this thread and please steam administrators be a little more aware that for that you are a corrupt multimillion dollar company that receives money from people like the ones we are trying to expose, and delete the trash comments from trash people and stop censoring the truth and ban people like this and also report to the authorities of the country where these types of comments are made.
Last edited by Magia Borras >> k0vr@ !! .exe; 21 Jan @ 6:50pm
Originally posted by ubergaben:
The fact that you made a special warning for people posing as moderators makes me realize how bad and useless Steam discussions are. :JunoClown:

Just salty trolls/shills that don't like those that point out the cheating issue and spam report my posts.

Legit Steam mods have fallen for it before, banning my posts for "name and shame" despite no names at all in the post and videos. Most times it gets overturned.
OffTheRicta 21 Jan @ 7:20pm 
They wont do anything about cheaters.
Its pretty clear they are involved with the cheat creators.
The plan is to ruin the game so much, that the player base is so few, they can announce the closure of all servers.
Originally posted by Shady Knights:
Originally posted by ubergaben:
The fact that you made a special warning for people posing as moderators makes me realize how bad and useless Steam discussions are. :JunoClown:

Just salty trolls/shills that don't like those that point out the cheating issue and spam report my posts.

Legit Steam mods have fallen for it before, banning my posts for "name and shame" despite no names at all in the post and videos. Most times it gets overturned.

tranquilo que no estas solo @ mi escopeta esta aqui para protegerte mientras pueda

Не волнуйся, ты не одинок @ мой дробовик здесь, чтобы защитить тебя, пока я могу

Mach dir keine Sorgen, du bist nicht allein, meine Schrotflinte ist hier, um dich zu beschützen, solange ich kann

Don't worry, you're not alone @ my shotgun is here to protect you as long as I can

Firmado el topo.exe

ni 5 minutos a durado ese subnormal hijodelagran puta , lo que pretenden es silenciarte y estoy cansado ya de ver estos ejemplos tanto en la vida real como incluso hasta en nuestro pasatiempos favoritos estan convirtiendolo todo en una pocilga

That retarded ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ didn't even last 5 minutes. What they want is to silence you and I'm tired of seeing these examples both in real life and even in our favorite pastimes. They are turning everything into a pigsty.
pd : 3 @ donde esta el personaje del 3333 y el legatus? alguno mas quiere probar si valve se toma enserio mis denuncias?

@ firmado el topo.exe @ traductor.exe
ps: 4 and to renew this thread and put it in the top1 @ where are you little rats? I want to see your tail @ 3333 @ LEGATUS, where are you, you are not going to tell me that I need to put in more hours of experience or that I lack skill, the screenshots of my profile, my ranks in csgo and cs2 and in pubg speak for themselves, where are you? Have you stopped being flat-earthers and deniers? where are you? no one else is going to come try to close this thread and I do not intend to allow it
Originally posted by De$LoC:
Easy permanent bans...
top1 again @ firmado el topo.exe
Originally posted by Magia Borras >> k0vr@ !! .exe:
Clear proof that when cheat sellers are exposed, they seek to ruin threads like this one, thank you shady knights for your work, do not close this thread and please steam administrators be a little more aware that for that you are a corrupt multimillion dollar company that receives money from people like the ones we are trying to expose, and delete the trash comments from trash people and stop censoring the truth and ban people like this and also report to the authorities of the country where these types of comments are made.

Muchas gracias Señor!
< >
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