Ion Fury

Ion Fury

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How the F do I get back from the room with the bomb in Executive Disorder
I'm going a defusal expert run and I'm in Executive Disorder, and while I got to the bomb, I can't for the life of me get back. I tried it for half an hour. How the hell do I get back easily?!
I tried with the boots, but I always seem to double jump immediately.
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Something is clickable (to open the door) in the room if remember correct.
No nothing
enge 6 Jan @ 12:16pm 
Instant double jump is a weird quirk yeah. Try diagonal strafe jumping off the window sill (avoiding the fall) and then adding the second jump.
Look 45 degree away from your intended land position, then activate double jump boots and strafe jump.
I found another solution, you need to activate that drink that slows down time which I guess makes you go faster as well. Luckily, there's one in the level.
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