Atom Fishing II

Atom Fishing II

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GD 26 Nov, 2022 @ 6:06am
More and More Cheaters
The game is getting filled with cheaters who catch unique volga catfish, 500kg+ Huso in a matter of seconds, 300 kg + ice sturgeons on spinning and many times even with Tackle A gear, provided the fact that those are new accounts and there is hardly any activity in the game - I mean there is hardly anyone buying anything let alone implants.

I mean it is so easy all cheaters to be caught asap. No need of anti cheat programmes either.

The only thing that needs doing is something that tracks the progress ( fish and weight ) caught by players and all potential cheaters will be caught in a matter of minutes. At the end of the day not a single honest player can advance faster than the number of implants sold on auction.

So we the honest players are being punished non stop by Wolfie, while the cheaters rule in this game.

For example I experience unique bugs and glitches that none of my friends or other players do - well thank you Wolfie for punishing me for being honest and for being the only one who sounds the alarm whenever something is wrong in the game. I also have not experienced any improvement in my fishing for the last increase of 40-50 points in my accuracy. Actually my fishing has deteriorated. Longer times for the same fish, higher ( 5-10 times) wear and tear rates and so on and so on

Sounds ridiculous but it is true - 0 (ZERO) improvement in my fishing after I have increased my accuracy by 40-50 points.
Date Posted: 26 Nov, 2022 @ 6:06am
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