Pavlov VR

Pavlov VR

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Junt  [developer] 12 Oct, 2020 @ 9:36am
Pavlov VR Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ
Click here if you are having issues with Update 29

Update 26 Broke for me I crash at start with the Pavlov Crash reporter / I'm having strange game behavior / I'm getting strange game performance
First Delete your Pavlov folder in: %LocalAppdata%

Locate your local appdata folder on your windows installation: %localappdata%/Pavlov/

1. Press start
2. Type "%localappdata%" without quotes and press enter
3. Locate Pavlov folder and delete it.

I'm getting an error saying the procedure entry point could not be located in the Dynamic Link Libary (v8_libplatform.dll)

Find your pavlov game installation folder and locate this directory typically located at: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\PavlovVR\Pavlov\Plugins

Find the Runtime folder and back it up and delete it. You can either zip the contents or move it to another directory. Restart Steam and open Pavlov.

Deleting appdata does not work for me.

Clear steam download cache, verify game file integrity, delete Pavlov AppData again.

I tried the above and it does not work

Reinstall the game, delete Pavlov AppData again. Got over your workshop subscriptions and unsubscribe from undesired maps so your installation will be smaller.

Steam is stuck in an update loop

Please make sure you have a lot of free space on your installation drive to let steam unpack and verify the update. You can also try restarting your computer. If you have to free up space, a restart is required because Steam is having trouble recognizing freed up space.

I am still having trouble after all of the above

Please give us your specs and anything unique about your computer. Are you running software or plugins that affect VR in ANY way? Have you ever tampered with core Pavlov game files? Are you using any software that interacts with your windows audio mixer? What are your specs? Are you getting the Pavlov crash reporting and submitting your reports?

Unable to play online, offline works fine.
1. Check the windows firewall to make sure Pavlov VR is allowed.

2. Check any other 3rd party antivirus software or firewalls that may be blocking Pavlov from connecting to the internet.

I have an Intel 11 gen processor and the game will not launch.
Try the steps outlined in this article:

Vibrations on controllers are causes tracking lag (Rift/Rift S)
1. Try unplugging and plugging in the USB cable for the headset into a different port.
2. With the exception of your mouse and keyboard, disable or unplug any USB devices that may be active such as a webcam or microphone.

Tip: The Oculus Rift uses a lot of USB bandwidth and can cause issues with the tracking when haptics are triggered. Some USB ports on select motherboards are not up to the proper USB 3 spec.

Error message saying need to install 2015 runtime version
1.Try running vrmonitor.exe directly.

2. two files may be missing: msvcp140.dll & vcruntime140.dll
This may have something to do with a Microsoft update of its "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017" package in December 2017

3. Download the version of VC_redist.x64.exe from this page:

4. if you have this issue in a 32-bit system, you'd want to try the 32-bit version.

LowLevelFatalError crash message on launch

Disable anything that may interfere with audio such as voicemeeter.

Does your error contain a UGC number? It may look something like this:

This is a workshop map that is broken and you will need to unsubscribe from it. You can find out the map that is causing this by going to the link on the workshop with the UGC number. Paste the url into your browser
After ?id= in the link add the UGC number in your error without the UGC like so:
*This is not a valid UGC number and only used as an example

Please notify and report this map to developers so they can mark the map as incompatible.

Pavlov VR in Steam is stuck on verifying

Clear Steam Download Cache. From your Steam Client, open the Settings panel by selecting “Steam > Settings” from the top left client menu. Go to the downloads section.

If the problem persists make sure your hard drive is not full, you also may need to cull or clean up your workshop downloads.

Black screen hang or crash on game launch

Does the application hang or crash? Is this the first time launching Pavlov VR on your system? If it hangs, leave the application open until it finally loads , it may take a long time on first load. If it completely crashes you may need to clean your unreal and Pavlov VR installation.

Many crashes are related to Steam Phonon audio. Please make sure your audio drivers for your motherboard chipset are up to date, try disabling any software that may be affecting audio in any way.

You can also try swapping your audio to Oculus Virtual Audio Device if you are on a Quest.

If you have a very old steam profile picture try changing it to current steam dimensions and standards without transparency. This has caused issues for some players.

Known software that can cause conflicts: Nahimic 3, 3rd party firewalls/antivirus, anything that tampers with hardware on your computer like CPU or GPU management software.

Make sure you are on stable, non-beta branches of your respective software. If you are on Oculus or have Oculus software installed for Revive, make sure you opt-out of any beta programs such as the Public Test Channel. If you are on SteamVR hardware make sure you are not using a SteamVR beta branch.

To opt-out of Oculus PTC: Oculus Software > Settings > Beta-Version > Public Test Channel > Disable

Make sure your Oculus software is up to date with the correct version on main branch.

To opt-out of SteamVR Beta: Find SteamVR in your library under the “Tools” section. Go into Properties > Betas > None - Opt out of all beta programs

If the above does not work please proceed try cleaning your Pavlov VR installation if you have been able to get Pavlov VR to launch in the past.

Rift/Rift S Audio not working

Check all your audio settings, even if you think it’s not the problem. Things can change when SteamVR or Pavlov VR launches. Disable anything that may interfere with audio such as voicemeeter.

Check all these when in and out of the game:
  • Windows audio settings input/output
  • Steam audio settings
  • SteamVR audio settings
  • Oculus Home audio settings
  • In-game audio settings with the microphone drop down
to see if your mic is working, start a lobby and start talking, check the icon next to your name, if it changes, it’s working. There is also a simulated VU meter in the sound settings to see if the game can see mic activity.

Missing Downloaded Files Error / issues with workshop maps
  • Unsubscribe from all maps
  • Delete all your downloaded workshop content located in: steamapps/workshop/content/555160
  • Delete everything in: \steamapps\workshop\downloads
  • Clear steam download cache: Steam > Settings > Downloads > Clear Download Cache
  • Restart steam and download a single map. Test.

My hands are stuck on the floor

Reset your bindings for SteamVR bindings if running in SteamVR mode (Vive/WMR/Index)
Reset your playspace and re-set up room (Oculus)

VAC Check Timed Out

Follow some of the tips on this Steam support page:

Troubleshooting RAM
If you are having random or strange crashes, it may be a good idea to run a RAM diagnostic tool as part of your troubleshooting steps:

Cleaning your Pavlov VR installation
If you are launching Pavlov VR for the first time and are unable to, you likely do not need to clean your installation and should investigate hardware/firmware/driver related issues as well as software conflicts. This should be used by people who were able to get Pavlov working previously in the past, but are currently unable to.

Clear Steam Download Cache. From your Steam Client, open the Settings panel by selecting “Steam > Settings” from the top left client menu. Go to the downloads section. Menu.
Completely uninstall Pavlov VR from Steam

Delete the Appdata folder for Pavlov:
  • Type %localappdata% in your windows search
  • C:/Users/[YOURUSERNAME]/AppData/Local/Pavlov
  • C:/Users/[YOURUSERNAME]/AppData/Roaming/Unreal Engine
  • C:/Users/[YOURUSERNAME]/AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/DataCache

Find the folder called Pavlov and delete it. Try deleting UnrealEngine app data if you’re still having issues.

Locate main Pavlov VR folder installation in file explorer and delete leftover files located where your steam library is on your hard drive: SteamLibrary/SteamApps/Common

Find the folder labeled PavlovVR and delete it. Restart your computer.

Reinstall Pavlov and try to launch again. Proceed to the next step if this does not work.

Deleting all your downloaded workshop content

located in: steamapps/workshop/content/555160

Clean your Steam installation: (Warning only use this as a last resort)

Delete all items in your steam directory apart from your steam.exe and steamapps folder. When you launch steam again you'll have to log in, and it will download all the files you just deleted again. Just note that you will lose screenshots if you do this, just relocate them to another place on your drive if you want to keep them.

Still having issues? Please reach out to us at
Last edited by Junt; 11 Jul, 2023 @ 2:42pm
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Showing 1-15 of 125 comments
Kilotesla 29 Nov, 2020 @ 6:22am 
I solved my black screen issue on Rift S ("Rift S losing connection to steam vr") using OpenComposite (on Github), so this might help anyone else.

By exchanging a .dll file, I now get a prompt that allows me to start the game with OculusVR instead of SteamVR. After choosing OculusVR, I get no more black screens mid-game.

Funny enough, my friend using a Valve Index gets this prompt anyway (SteamVR or OculusVR).
grip button can't work,other buttons work normally,controllers are no problem
JayMJay 21 Dec, 2020 @ 7:21pm 
Hi there. I have a samsung odyssey plus. the haptics/vibration on my controller are going crazy in pavlov only. I don't know how to make them work normal again.
Junt  [developer] 22 Dec, 2020 @ 7:15am 
Hi JayMJay, you can try to reset your bindings to address controller issues you may be experiencing.
Immigrant Hunter 25 Dec, 2020 @ 11:34pm 
Yo I Have tried everything on the Rift audio Issue list to fix my mike but none of the things haven't done anything and I'm using the OG Rift I know that I have windows Mic turned on and and the privacy thing and I did oculus home and tested VR Chat and VR chat works and finally I don't use steam VR to Play Pavlov I use the Oculus Setting and I Have tried All the Mics in Pavlov to no avail. Just need help bc I'm getting bullied in Jailbreak 2.0
Dr_Amazing 26 Dec, 2020 @ 10:03pm 
Dumb question but how do you set your name? I can't find an option for it anywhere
IgelwithaDeagle 27 Dec, 2020 @ 1:30pm 
Originally posted by Dr_Amazing:
Dumb question but how do you set your name? I can't find an option for it anywhere
as far as i know you just use your steam display name. so if you want to change it do it in steam > edit profile
Duckinger 27 Dec, 2020 @ 1:41pm 
i have a reverb g2 and i cant unholster my weapon or pick a weapon from the ground....

caves 1 Jan, 2021 @ 8:57am 
I can't seem to grab the grenades off of me. It literally takes me 10+ attemps for it to properly grab a grenade.
cannonflodder 3 Jan, 2021 @ 11:25am 
the reverb g2 controllers do not work with the game. at least not in a way that makes the game playeble. For the game I am also not able to create custom bindings.
Shakez 4 Jan, 2021 @ 8:39am 
Originally posted by cannonflodder:
the reverb g2 controllers do not work with the game. at least not in a way that makes the game playeble. For the game I am also not able to create custom bindings.
Check the following thread:
Junt  [developer] 4 Jan, 2021 @ 9:32am 
Originally posted by cavemans:
I can't seem to grab the grenades off of me. It literally takes me 10+ attempts for it to properly grab a grenade.

Can you join our discord and #Pc-troubleshooting channel? This is a very unique issue I have not seen before. Alternatively, you can reset your bindings in SteamVR to see if that helps address your grip issue.
Last edited by Junt; 4 Jan, 2021 @ 9:33am
RightStrokeSpiral 4 Jan, 2021 @ 3:25pm 
My game no longer launches and I have tried everything short of cleaning my steam installation. I want to try this but I do not fully understand how to "clean" my installation of steam. I haven't been able to play for quite some time now and I could really use some help/
Vaughan 5 Jan, 2021 @ 9:06pm 
I just got the game, and I've been having an issue where my Steam friends do not appear on the server list. I reinstalled the game and verified the integrity of the game files, but that didn't seem to do anything. I saw that a lot of other people have seemed to have this issue, but there is no forum online that says how to fix it.
ShnitzelKiller 5 Jan, 2021 @ 9:34pm 
I am in the tutorial and can't grip my weapon. I move my hand over the ghost and try to grip with trigger, grip, thumb, all combinations thereof, nothing works. My hand curls so obviously it recognizes the inputs, but it just isn't picking up.
Last edited by ShnitzelKiller; 5 Jan, 2021 @ 9:35pm
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