World of Warships

World of Warships

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Nerfed US ships :(
What you've done to American Battleships is atrocious!! Nerfing them in order to get players to try other Nations is one thing but the New York is a fine example of "you've gone too far". Terrible aim, paper thin armor, pathetic secondaries and is as powerful as joe biden on a stairmaster. Tier IV & V Japanese ships hit ever shot and take ~1800 damage from a full artillery round from the New York and loses every time because it loads slower than windows 2.0. There is a lot of other gameplay issues but this particular issue has been frustrating me the most, especially when I constantly get matched up against tier VI & VII.
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Ace42 12 Feb @ 9:52am 
L2P issue.

New York is perfectly capable of scoring AP citadels against enemy cruisers, battleships, and carriers (can even HE cit some particularly squishy ships in the tier-bands you mentioned).

When it scores those citadels it will deal 10,300 unhealable AP damage per citadel detonation.

Full pens that do not detonate in the citadel will deal 33% of that damage, possibly less if it's damaging a saturated compartment (which would make sense for a New York Full Pen on a partially saturated compartment, it could be as low as 1,500hp for a fully saturated compartment) .
If you're only dealing "1,800 damage" from a shell, an alternative explanation would be either you're using HE (so suboptimal ammo choice) for ~1500 hp per full pen on unsaturated compartments; or you're scoring overpens for ~1030hp per shell (Ops can feature damage reduction for some targets, and some module damage can interact with damage weird; some ships get bonus saturation protection too).

New York's AP needs to pass through 59mm of cumulative effective armour to arm, and to still be inside the ship 0.033s later to score full pens. Obviously it needs to stay inside the citadel to deal full cit damage.

Its armour belts are between 76 and 280mm thick - there isn't a single AP shell in the game that will overmatch that.
Guarateed bounces 100% of the time if you are angled enough for the SAP / AP shells to hit those plates at an appropriately tight angle (typically 30 degrees or tighter for standard AP).

It's only the 19mm plates on bow, stern, deck that will be overmatched by enemy 356mm battleship guns - and that holds true for pretty much every other T5 battleship in the game. Take incoming shells on your main armour belt whilst it is sufficiently angled.

Kongo, by comparison, only has 203mm thick belt armour at maximum.

Tier is not your problem: New York AP will penetrate the 300mm broadside main belt armour of T7s like Lyon at pretty much any range.

Instead of complaining about something you don't understand - consider asking for advice.

Look in your game's Replays subfolder; upload a representative replay to (or get OBS free from Steam and use that to record a video you can up to YouTube or Twitch); create a thread here with a link to the replay asking for advice / feedback.
Last edited by Ace42; 12 Feb @ 10:07am
Originally posted by General:
What you've done to American Battleships is atrocious!! Nerfing them in order to get players to try other Nations is one thing but the New York is a fine example of "you've gone too far". Terrible aim, paper thin armor, pathetic secondaries and is as powerful as joe biden on a stairmaster. Tier IV & V Japanese ships hit ever shot and take ~1800 damage from a full artillery round from the New York and loses every time because it loads slower than windows 2.0. There is a lot of other gameplay issues but this particular issue has been frustrating me the most, especially when I constantly get matched up against tier VI & VII.

Windows 2.0 is not a thing at least it was never released .... seriously at least learn what your talking about!!

This is why people do not take others seriously as literally your talking utter rubbish!!!

Also as for your ships .... New York to Colorado can punish if stuff "opens up" angles, they are just SO slow!

Hope you learn more, the more you play!
Good luck!
General 12 Feb @ 2:56pm 
2.0 was the point of the joke and yes, it was a thing December 9th 1987 as a commercial OS that is still used today in many things.
And also why new players are driven away because the moment they point out issues to the dev's people like you two just drive them even farther away with your personal attacks for no reason.
Originally posted by General:
And also why new players are driven away because the moment they point out issues to the dev's

You said New York is worse than T5 IJN battleship Kongo because:
Its shells supposedly only do "1,800hp damage".

Its AP alpha is 100hp *higher* than Kongo's. Its pen is better than Kongo's. Its AP and HE DPM is better than Kongo's. Its base reload is only 0.5s longer than Kongo's.

You said it has "paper armour" - despite its armour being over 80mm thicker than Kongo's, and comparable to some T7 battleship main belt armour, when you factor in the torpedo bulge's plates.

These differences are even more pronounced compared to the T4 IJN BB Myogi.

So... What do you want to tell the devs, exactly?

That you believe a ship that is objectively superior to the ones you compared it to, in the specific ways you stated, has been "atrociously nerfed" in comparison?

people like you two just drive them even farther away with your personal attacks for no reason.

Saying that you don't understand the game is just a clearly established fact: It's self-evident from the factual errors you made.
That's not a personal attack.

Going out of my way to explain the game mechanics, to list the facts, and to explain how you can get help to improve your gameplay quickly isn't a personal attack.

And quite frankly, I'm not got to lose a ton of sleep over ingrates rage-quitting - if they're the sort of player who makes up phoney complaints about the game and throws a temper tantrum when they're called out on their mistakes, instead of nutting up and learning how the game really works.
Last edited by Ace42; 22 hours ago
Originally posted by General:
2.0 was the point of the joke and yes, it was a thing December 9th 1987 as a commercial OS that is still used today in many things.
And also why new players are driven away because the moment they point out issues to the dev's people like you two just drive them even farther away with your personal attacks for no reason.

A New York Reloads .. Windows 2.0 didn't why bite!!
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." -Mark Twain.
My comment was meant for the dev team to see because I was asked to give feedback as I progressed so now other's simply get to see just how this gaming community can really be. Also the New York is missing her four 21-inch (freedom units) torpedo tubes, 1 each on the port side bow and stern and starboard bow and stern, for the Bliss-Leavitt Mark 3 torpedo and more missing equipment regarding her 1918 DOD, 1925 & 1946 retrofit's. I didn't want to get specific but since the armchair pro's insist I may as well throw that in :)
Hiei 18 hours ago 
Originally posted by General:
"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." -Mark Twain.
My comment was meant for the dev team to see because I was asked to give feedback as I progressed so now other's simply get to see just how this gaming community can really be. Also the New York is missing her four 21-inch (freedom units) torpedo tubes, 1 each on the port side bow and stern and starboard bow and stern, for the Bliss-Leavitt Mark 3 torpedo and more missing equipment regarding her 1918 DOD, 1925 & 1946 retrofit's. I didn't want to get specific but since the armchair pro's insist I may as well throw that in :)
Does it really matter she's missing two torpedoes? Did they ever get removed
Many USN ships had their torpedoes removed, except destroyers. Similar to Texas.

Also the devs *Barely* read the Steam forums, you want Discord or on the survay feed back.

The Torpedoes on New York were removed In 1926 when she got a complete refit.
Last edited by Hiei; 18 hours ago
Besides, if one cared to check, they would notice that most BBs in the game that should have torpedo tubes are in fact missing them. That's not a USN special thing.

Fact is that the New York in the game is balanced against other tier V BBs. I won't deny that looking at average winrates and such, it's not doing great. Once you filter out the worst players that don't even try however, it's not doing worse or much worse than other V BBs in the tech tree. Including the supposed Übership Kongo.
(Which is a fine ship with great maneuvrability and good accuracy. But neither the armour nor the alpha damage of New York.)

New York has two major things going against it for someone new to the ship and/or the game: It is very slow, joined slowest of its class and tier in the tech tree together with Bretagne. And its guns can be trolly at times (which is true for most BBs at the tier though, several are actually worse).
It has to be said though that half the tech tree BBs at tier V are slow. That is just something you will have to accept when playing those lines. It is, again, not a USN special. What General is complaining about here is not a specific attack on US ships. It's just basic gameplay that you have to learn how to deal with if you want to get anywhere in the game.
Last edited by christof; 17 hours ago
Originally posted by General:
My comment was meant for the dev team to see because I was asked to give feedback as I progressed so now other's simply get to see just how this gaming community can really be.

So you were asked to lie about the ship's gunpower and armour compared to Kongo and Myogi?
And you intentionally did so in order to point out that people who know better will correct your mistakes; provide an accurate explanation of how the game works; and explain the method by which you can most quickly address the root of your misconceptions?

Well... Good job on making yourself look foolish and ungrateful; and the community look informed, informative, and willing to help people who are genuinely interested in the facts of the topic at hand.

I didn't want to get specific but since the armchair pro's insist I may as well throw that in :)

So... You've changed your argument to "ship with better gunpower, and thicker armour, than Kongo now needs to get torps too.
Because having better gunpower actually means its gunpower is 10x worse than Kongo's; and having 80mm thicker armour than Kongo's means its 'paper thin'"...

There's a colourable argument for giving New York torps, but it isn't an argument that has anything to do with made up misinformation like suggesting it has worse gunpower than Myogi or Kongo, or thinner armour than them.

When it comes to game balance, having a basic understanding of the ballistic and gunnery mechanics is somewhat a prerequisite for having an informed opinion on the subject.
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