Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Jo 9. juni 2013 kl. 6:59
Valve has to change the public "Vanilla"- config
hey folks,
valve has to change the public config. they did alot for all there games like TF2. Now its defnatly time to do smth for l4d2. The config is made for beginners. But just for people who never played a ego shooter game! First of all im telling you what they should change and after thy why they have to change it!

- Tank on every map
- no tankspawn difference
- infect spawntime setting to 20 seconds every time !!!!
- just start Medkits!
- reducing pills and shots
- reducing defib to max 1 and losing points -100
- more amopacks
- a l4d2 mode (NOT mutation) for people who learned to use to play l4d2 (confogl) with the Information "for skilled people" like in team fortress 2

-Tank on every map: The Tank is the biggest "key" infected in l4d which can turn the whole game around. Tanks should also spawn on maps like Parish 1. New People in l4d2 will learn faster how to play tank and playing together! most people will learn it more faster and i think many people are my oppinion that nothing is worse than to have one tank in game and the worst player getting the only tank in the game.

-no tankspawnn difference: the Tanks should all spawn right in the same spot as the other team. its not fair that some tanks spawn later then the tanks from the opponent team. like in parish 2 near the event. first team getting tank before and opponent team IN the event. nobody can tell me thats that fair and balanced gaming. (thats a points where most people ragequit btw.) I think they did that for "prelight" (setting tank on fire when he is about to getting the controle) they could skip that, when they would immune the tank for 5 seconds from fire. other problem would be that they are afraid that the tank getting surounded. but normaly the tank spawn not so close to be honest!

- infect spawntime setting to 20 seconds every time !!!!
for sure it makes no sense that you have sometimes 30 seconds and sometimes 20 seconds spawn time. many times you are missing good attacking points cause 2 people have still 5 seconds to spawn. 20 seconds spawn time is verry fair. the survivor have enough time to heal after a hard attack or to reach longer distance.

- just start medkits
i dont know they reason why they are somtimes so many medkits on the way (also here e. g. parish 2. they are about 4 medkits on the way, 4 start medkits AND pills + shots). That was also made for beginner i guess. but how should they learn how to play coop shooter games when they cannot die cause 100 medkits and pills. i see pubgamer who was healing by 45 hp and higher! its just fair when they have 4 start medkits and makes the game more balanced. (why should the infected attack when they will get every minute 2 new medkits?)

- reducing pills and shots
we alrdy had the problem with the medkits. in some maps they are OVER 10 pills and shots. this time is my example carni 2. you are getting in the first "healthbox" minimum 2 pills and everytime in the second 4 pills. but thats not enough, no. you will find on the way minimum 4 more pills and shots if you are looking for it. (play 2 times the map and you know where they are). so in the end it wouldbe great if you have the 4 start medkits and maximum 4 more pills OR shots.

- reducing defib to max 1 and losing points -100
sometimes they are more than 1 defib on the map. thats way to much. the infected just getting frustrated cause they kill 2 people and they just getting revived by mates and for that they just losing 50 points? not fair and not balanced! if someone dies and getting revived they should lose 100 points for his revive, because 25 points is way to less! also they should not getting distancepoints anymore for the revived survivor, because the infected managed to kill him! the revived survivor can help his mates to reach the saferoom that should be enough!

- more amopacks
thats exspacally for the l4d1 maps. they removed almost all amopacks and changed it to other t2 weapons. many people got a favourit weapon (mainly i mean the people who prefer t1 weapons and they should not get forced to use t2)

- l4d2 confogl mode
many people getting much skill in public and getting board of playing public because its to easy for them. so they just stop to play l4d2 and if they got luck they found a way to get in the l4d2 "pro" community. but thats not so easy to get in there. its rly random cause first of all one of these community has to play pub (and no not many people of this community playing pub) and than they have to see peoples skill and adding them. so all people who have a bit skill can play this confogl public. what they should defnatly be include is the healthbonus!!! the people would get more skill and after a while im sure they will be a bigger community!

This public vanilla config are not that good, that many people long time l4d cause its getting board verry fast, exspacally for the people who have some skill. this changes would bring l4d2 in a new era of playing together and teaching people how to play l4d2. im sure they should be some more changes but these are the main problems atm. And valve should not say "you have the workshop have fun" because the main playing mode is public vanilla and not many people looking in the workshop. These changes are fast done so do it. L4d2 is a verry nice game if you manage it right. Valve, the future of this game is in your hand so do smth NOW! this traid is way to late from me! btw i think valve gove l4d2 up. but maby with thise changes you can revive it back to a famous game. maby with an announcment in steamstore!?

PS. sry for my bad english im not that good but i think you will understand what i mean and trying to change here in l4d. add this trade and make it to a famous trade so they might see it and know that we wanna change smth!

Sidst redigeret af Jo; 9. juni 2013 kl. 7:02
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Viser 1-15 af 29 kommentarer
Jo 9. juni 2013 kl. 10:12 
argument pls?! tell me why the casually config is better
Bum Baba 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:08 
you are totaly right. i hope these changes coming up as soon as posible
Lunatix 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:14 
I have no arguments to give, if you don't like vanilla you buy your own server it's all. The game is perfect how he is and if you want more challenge just go versus realism because basically you're speaking about normal versus. Why Valve will must change the actual game because YOU don't like it ? I like the original game and i'm not alone i'm sure. Just saying but players are not leaving the game because they're bored, 90% of them are ragequitters who can't accept to lose so they go on a game where they are better.
Jo 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:29 
no its not they have to change it because " I " dont like it. the games is unbalanced and many people ragequitt cause of this unbalanced game! its fine if u like it but it makes no difference that the vanilla pub config is unbalanced. and if u cant give me some arrguments tells me that you not even read that. or you could give me some for each single points
fruity tooty 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:30 
@ OP

My insight has told me that ppl like versus games with one overpowered side and one nerf'd side, It will be either humans as the OP side or SI, they don't like a balanced game as it tears them to bits when their exposed by not having the game base skill to play another team with a balanced system for *both* sides.

For those who think l4d2 is balanced for both sides, go play l4d1 and see how you do in vs or expert campaign and tell us ehre in all honesty how much you realise l4d2 has been nerf'd for the infected, the hunter was a pure assasin in part one in aprt 2 his a dork in comaprison. :witch:

PS: i agree in what your saying in essence, it is jsut ppl are sheep and prefer an easy game for one side, it makes them feel as if they have accomplished something this way :-(
Sidst redigeret af fruity tooty; 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:31
Lunatix 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:40 
Oprindeligt skrevet af CJ - Pubstar:
no its not they have to change it because " I " dont like it. the games is unbalanced and many people ragequitt cause of this unbalanced game! its fine if u like it but it makes no difference that the vanilla pub config is unbalanced. and if u cant give me some arrguments tells me that you not even read that. or you could give me some for each single points

1300h gameplay time it's totally balanced i think (vs realism). That's my argument.

Are you one of these persons who say "why your tank spawned near from us and our not" or "why we didn't have tank when you had one" ? Just an example but i often read this type of things in the chat and of course it's totally false these people are just n***s or very inattentive to the game.

Why you don't play versus realism if normal is too easy for you ? There is only 1 health kit, less pills, ect... god i already said all these thing in another post why i must say it again and again...
Sidst redigeret af Lunatix; 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:43
Jo 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:44 
trololol ok if the playtime is important ive got over 3500. not many people play realism versus so ♥♥♥♥ of it. and are you one of these "pubstomper" guy? i like the game "who are you". so pls stop this nonsense things if you dont have any arguments than just you gameplay time than fine. (pls dont reply anymore we got your opinion)
Sidst redigeret af Jo; 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:44
Lunatix 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:47 
Oprindeligt skrevet af CJ - Pubstar:
trololol ok if the playtime is important ive got over 3500. not many people play realism versus so ♥♥♥♥ of it. and are you one of these "pubstomper" guy? i like the game "who are you". so pls stop this nonsense things if you dont have any arguments than just you gameplay time than fine. (pls dont reply anymore we got your opinion)

See you can't accept another opinion than your, you're just one of these rich kids who have all what they want or something like this. What you want will never happen enjoy your useless post.
Jo 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:48 
i accept different opinion than mine. but i dont accept opinions without any sense argument than there own playtime. and thx i will enjoiy it =)
Lunatix 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:50 
Playtime is an argument because i know well the game it's not for boast, if you don't understand this you're just dumb.

Oprindeligt skrevet af CJ - Pubstar:
not many people play realism versus so ♥♥♥♥ of it.

Sure if all people are reasoning like this.
Sidst redigeret af Lunatix; 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:55
Jo 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:54 
ok so my playtime is higher. so when i believ your words than should be my oppinion better than yours.
Lunatix 9. juni 2013 kl. 11:58 
Oprindeligt skrevet af CJ - Pubstar:
ok so my playtime is higher. so when i believ your words than should be my oppinion better than yours.

I was just comparing to a newbie with 10h who can't give an objective opinion on the game. So because you have more gameplay time your opinion is more important ? See how you're arrogant.
Jo 9. juni 2013 kl. 12:01 
lol i just replyed what you are talking about the whole time

Oprindeligt skrevet af Lunatix:
Playtime is an argument because i know well the game.

and people who got just 10h playtime will never have skill with the vanilla config when its not changing. thats make them to learn the game. its normal that people with 10h playtime dies more often other people cause they are NEW in the game!
Jo 9. juni 2013 kl. 12:02 
and btw if new player or not it makes no difference that the game is unbalanced anyway
Lunatix 9. juni 2013 kl. 12:06 
Oprindeligt skrevet af CJ - Pubstar:
and people who got just 10h playtime will never have skill with the vanilla config when its not changing

Totally false. I know people who usually play FPS but are newby to L4D and they're good, or even people who play one time in the year and they are still good. You're a n**b or you're not it's simple.

Oprindeligt skrevet af CJ - Pubstar:
and btw if new player or not it makes no difference that the game is unbalanced anyway

Your opinion, mine is the game is balanced.
Sidst redigeret af Lunatix; 9. juni 2013 kl. 12:07
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Dato opslået: 9. juni 2013 kl. 6:59
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