Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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i want to join a game, so:
- my country isn't allowed
- the server is full
- users VAC banned ain't allowed
- theres someone who i blocked or who blocked me
- whole enemy team rage-quit because go losing for 30 points and the middle of the game
- the game is totally lost, like 600/2800 points
- someone toxic/troll/teamkiller/cheater, with his boyfriend so cant be kicked by vote
- full of noobs
- full of pros/tryhards with thousands of hours
- is a chinese/lewd 4 dead/someone's modded server
- got console-kicked by the host because: (could be any reason)
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i just got called "♥♥♥" and kicked by a bunch of filipino :steamfacepalm:
you forgot an option: pro/tryhard cheaters with thousands of hours
GHL 20 Nov @ 9:47pm 
I wonder what's that VAC ban on your profile OP :steamsad:
Diposting pertama kali oleh GHL:
I wonder what's that VAC ban on your profile OP :steamsad:
i cheated on csgo like a b1tch 480 days ago, with just 20 total hours

about l4d2, i just grind 1100 hours and got called cheater for some wallbangs or have a kinda good aim
1 VAC ban on record = no one wants anything to do with you
Diposting pertama kali oleh bluefalcon74.ttv:
1 VAC ban on record = no one wants anything to do with you
aww what sad :(
even cheaters without VAC cry me about cheat LOL.
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