Deep Rock Galactic
Crawler nerf is divorced from the reality of actual team play at higher difficulties.
I think I may have held my tongue on this disappointing nerf if not for the line "especially on higher hazards." in the patch notes.

If this change was needed anywhere, it was needed at higher Hazards LEAST, at least as it relates to team play. Core Spawns aren't an issue for Haz 5 groups, just like Stingtails weren't an issue for Haz 5 groups before they were publicly executed and, as a result, trivialized. I highly doubt the people responsible for this change took time out to question if there would be collateral damage for this change based on team size. Or they knew and didn't care, but I wouldn't be so callous to attribute that to anyone at GSG; it's more realistic to assume this was a thoughtless change, not a malicious one.

The Stingtail's sun-bleached remains still dangle from the town square, even after quite an effort was made to draw attention to their changes going well beyond what was necessary, so I imagine this change, too, will go ignored without even more of a huff. Sadly, when the Haz 5 playerbase amounts to less than 10%, changes that compromise their play are easier ignored. You could reverse every one of the Stingtails last round of nerfs except the tail cooldown and Haz 5 team play would ONLY benefit from it - this crawler nerf is the same.

If the game is going to keep being changed for solo players - who are not a demographic I think should be catered to at the expense of the majority like they have been but are certainly not one I would want to be ignored, either - then more effort needs to be done keeping tuning in line with team size instead of taking a shotgun to a problem.

This problem makes the game worse for more players than it helps, and that's the problem, not the change in a vacuum. Discussion on the matter not in line with the actual topic, that is to say with the context of team play scaling, is going to dominate this change just like it did the Stingtail, so this paragraph exists as a lampshade to point to in an effort to keep things on track and in good faith.

Scale your game for team size with more precision before making ablative changes like this, Ghost Ship..
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
What are you even talking about?

No one actually does the event, it's the same at Haz 5 as it is at Haz 1; people just ride on ziplines and cheese it. I play with nothing but randoms and I have to beg and plead to get anyone to actually play the event without cheese; on any difficulty.

Also, did you read the actual changes? They were miniscule at best, -10% speed (which means they are still faster than the Dwarves) and their goo puddles don't fly forward at you; the event is basically the same as it ever was.
Last edited by Chibbity; 11 hours ago
why did you spend over %50 of this thread ostensibly about the corestone complaining about people complaining about stingtails
The event did need a nerf. As Chibbity said, after the first few weeks for S5 absolutely no one wanted to do the event legitimately. I even started to see some players begging the host to just skip the event if there wasn't a gunner.
Last edited by Brave Sir Robin; 10 hours ago
it was way harder than all other event, so they should be harder or this one needed to be tuned down
Scary 10 hours ago 
a corespawn crawler wrote this post
A few weeks ago I had a Haz 5 team that tried to do the Core Stone event. We thought we were ready, but the Driller's brain had disconnected and he didn't feel like digging the Core Stone back out after the first phase. The next three minutes was the Driller blowing fumes at Corestone Crawlers while everyone else was scrambling to open the Core Stone in between downs and revives. Mission failed.

I am unsure; what is this "reality of actual team play at higher difficulty" you speak of?
Last edited by Phytophyte; 10 hours ago
Core stone event is stupid, simple as. The best "fix" is to remove it or completely rework it.
Yah this game was never meant to be a Soulsborne difficult game. Haz 5 and above exist just to give people an extra challenge. So imo that same crowd shouldn't be catered to either as this game is meant more for casual to middle ground of the gaming crowd. It's by no means a game when you get white knuckled and gotta learn every pattern and combo.

This game doesn't really have any mainstream playerbase. It's got a constant influx of new players and a lot of veterans of the game that decide they don't care to do anything other than shoot ♥♥♥♥...So really your thought of "reality of actual team play" is pretty hilarious.
Originally posted by Scary:
a corespawn crawler wrote this post
*Angry clicking noises*
Originally posted by Phytophyte:
A few weeks ago I had a Haz 5 team that tried to do the Core Stone event. We thought we were ready, but the Driller's brain had disconnected and he didn't feel like digging the Core Stone back out after the first phase. The next three minutes was the Driller blowing fumes at Corestone Crawlers while everyone else was scrambling to open the Core Stone in between downs and revives. Mission failed.

I am unsure; what is this "reality of actual team play at higher difficulty" you speak of?
Having a non-cooperative player is what you hinge your apologism on? Yeesh.

Back in reality - the thing you asked about - I've failed something south of 5% of Core Spawn events. Probably closer to 2-3%.

A reminder for the solos and the low haz players wasting our time up in this place: this was about team scaling at haz 5, not your imagined slights.
Last edited by Whirblewind; 6 hours ago
Originally posted by Phytophyte:
A few weeks ago I had a Haz 5 team that tried to do the Core Stone event. We thought we were ready, but the Driller's brain had disconnected and he didn't feel like digging the Core Stone back out after the first phase. The next three minutes was the Driller blowing fumes at Corestone Crawlers while everyone else was scrambling to open the Core Stone in between downs and revives. Mission failed.

I am unsure; what is this "reality of actual team play at higher difficulty" you speak of?
I agree, there is a distinct lack of teamplay in this team play game is pretty noticeable. Yes there are players that understand this, but I usually feels more like 4 solos playing on the same map a lot of the time.
Originally posted by Vibe:
Originally posted by Phytophyte:
A few weeks ago I had a Haz 5 team that tried to do the Core Stone event. We thought we were ready, but the Driller's brain had disconnected and he didn't feel like digging the Core Stone back out after the first phase. The next three minutes was the Driller blowing fumes at Corestone Crawlers while everyone else was scrambling to open the Core Stone in between downs and revives. Mission failed.

I am unsure; what is this "reality of actual team play at higher difficulty" you speak of?
I agree, there is a distinct lack of teamplay in this team play game is pretty noticeable. Yes there are players that understand this, but I usually feels more like 4 solos playing on the same map a lot of the time.

The games I've had that have felt like this border on a rounding error out of 1100~ hours.

The games where 2 players go their own way happens probably 1/5 of times, although I'll ignore Drillevator for this example. In the times where it happens, it never lasts long, as the group that went without the driller tends to be the one that buckles first and rejoins the others. When this doesn't happen, someone tends to speak up, usually the host, and things converge. It's incredibly rare that team splits are at all disruptive because they don't last long.

The games where 1 player wanders off are rarer still, probably 1/15~, but usually end up with someone pointing out they're being left behind or the player is punished by the game organically simply through force, as the game at Haz 5 with 4 players is based on teamplay, not.. whatever your assessment of it was supposed to be.

A lack of teamplay is not something that happens at Haz 5 with any regularity.
People's experiences in group play can still vary depending on the world region.

What may be common in North American lobbies might be different in Western Europe, for example.

Kind of off-topic, but felt like mentioning.

I personally notice this in Team Fortress 2, where pub matches often feel more laid back in the NA region compared to Europe.
Last edited by RaindropperinG; 6 hours ago
Originally posted by Whirblewind:
Originally posted by Vibe:
I agree, there is a distinct lack of teamplay in this team play game is pretty noticeable. Yes there are players that understand this, but I usually feels more like 4 solos playing on the same map a lot of the time.

The games I've had that have felt like this border on a rounding error out of 1100~ hours.

The games where 2 players go their own way happens probably 1/5 of times, although I'll ignore Drillevator for this example. In the times where it happens, it never lasts long, as the group that went without the driller tends to be the one that buckles first and rejoins the others. When this doesn't happen, someone tends to speak up, usually the host, and things converge. It's incredibly rare that team splits are at all disruptive because they don't last long.

The games where 1 player wanders off are rarer still, probably 1/15~, but usually end up with someone pointing out they're being left behind or the player is punished by the game organically simply through force, as the game at Haz 5 with 4 players is based on teamplay, not.. whatever your assessment of it was supposed to be.

A lack of teamplay is not something that happens at Haz 5 with any regularity.
Like the post above me mentioned, this may be a regional thing because this isn't really my experience with Haz 5 matches. I very frequently see players going off on their own and nobody says anything - even in Low O2 missions, which is the last type of mission people should be splitting up in.

The game & its mechanics are very well designed around team-play, but I usually only feel the team-play part outside of combat when players are using their tools to setup arenas or help each other navigate terrain. During combat though, the strategy is usually just "everyone deal with what's in-front of them" and that's about it.

I personally try sticking with the group and setting up team-play actions whenever I can during combat, but I only get a follow-through maybe less than half the time. Some examples are:

- Using a Combustive Goo Mix Sludge Pump to coat the ground around a group of enemies so that our Engi who has a Shard Diffractor can ignite it to blow them all up (Engi maybe doesn't notice or hasn't realized they could be doing so).

- Someone triggers a swarmer tunnel accidentally while we had our focus elsewhere, so I ping the Driller and the swarmer tunnel in the hopes that they - having the best AoE weapons for the job - could easily take care of it (Driller usually doesn't notice and everyone now has swarmers biting at their ankles).

- A simple one: I mark a tanky target as Scout and with the M1K Marked for Death OC and even ping it manually again so everyone can hear the voiceline saying "Shoot it!" (Often seems that nobody notices and I end up killing the target myself anyway).

- Very, very rarely ever seeing other Drillers with flamethrowers on Industrial Sabotage prioritizing the Caretaker's arms & patrol pots to overheat & kill them quickly so that the rest of the team can focus on the Caretaker itself.

- On Egg Hunt missions, one or two players are always apparently speedrunning and just pop a bunch of eggs left & right without bothering to care if anyone else is prepared, starting multiple swarms at once.

And back to the topic of the Core Stone event: I never see anyone do this event normally with actual team-play strategies on haz 5 either. It's either Gunner zipline cheese or nothing.
Last edited by Blargo; 2 hours ago
the devs keep nerfing ♥♥♥♥ without acknowledging why said ♥♥♥♥ needed a nerf
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