Puyo Puyo™Tetris®

Puyo Puyo™Tetris®

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kbanon 14 Dec, 2019 @ 1:04am
Just have to report a tetris player
This player is Nyssaceae, with "grand master" title.I played him and won at once, to be honest it's quite easy. I wondered how he can climb all the way up to grand master. But after I played him two more matches, I know why. After I won, he might have disconnected the network or something to avoid the loss count, and then the screen at my side will be stuck there forever, that could be a bug of the game.

But actually I didn't suffer from this. The technique is, when the screen is stuck, I just have to disconnect the network and re-connect then, the win count will still be there.

Just here to remind you guys there are cheaters messing around.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
ChrisK 14 Dec, 2019 @ 5:42am 
Nice tip, thank you. I'll be trying it out there if I end up climbing up in ranks. Wish me luck.
Wertj 16 Dec, 2019 @ 8:52pm 
Yeah that could happen. I also have the GM tag so I can tell you why he did what he did. You have 3 matches before your demoted as a GM. Also disconnecting the internet should still make hiim automatically lose. Though I"m not 100% sure. Just seemed like a rage quit to me
Chlora_Virgo 25 Mar, 2024 @ 9:18am 
Thanks for the tip. I also encountered the same abuse twice on Nintendo Switch yesterday and was pretty disappointed, because I rarely win against good players and every win counts for me. But two different players force-closed the puyo app on switch and the win didn't count on my side.
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