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Ports / Router issue - zero lobbies
When searching for a lobby, I get this;

When I turn on DMZ for my router, I get this;

I've tried opening the steam ports, opening the 7777-7778 ports in REDEngine.ini, PnP is turned on. If anyone has any ideas then please share them, this game probably looks dead to others who also get this.

EDIT: Got a new router, the TP-LINK TD-W9970, don't get the issue any longer. You can just get one off eBay most likely, got one for £3 because they're not a popular item to be looking for. Has to be version 2.0 though, the old 1.0 might have the same issue as before, the box it has looks like this;

The inferior version 1.0 has a box that looks like this;
Last edited by rednecked_crake; 27 Dec, 2017 @ 7:04am
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Showing 1-15 of 86 comments
Heavymetalmixer 15 Dec, 2016 @ 7:28pm 
This needs to be pinned.
Zoness 15 Dec, 2016 @ 9:42pm 
I'm also having problems online. I can't seem to find any rooms and even when I try to join my friend's room directly, I get the 'connection was lost' error. My friend has his ports open and I can't open mine because of my internet provider.
Niddian 16 Dec, 2016 @ 12:11am 
Mine is on by default and I still can't find matches. Opened ports, PnP on, DMZ on, and I've even disabled my firewall but still nothing.
Funeralwind 16 Dec, 2016 @ 2:08am 
Originally posted by Niddian:
Mine is on by default and I still can't find matches. Opened ports, PnP on, DMZ on, and I've even disabled my firewall but still nothing.

same here =/
Kicho 16 Dec, 2016 @ 5:46am 
Still can't find anything...
JimSam 16 Dec, 2016 @ 6:19am 
Same problem here. Can't find matches/rooms and no matter how many times i tried with a friend we can't connect to play against each other, always getting the "connection lost" error when any of us tries to connect to a room when we send invitations.
A bit frustrating since we were playing SIGN without any trouble at all. (and never having any serious trouble with other fighting games in general)
Tried a few solutions mentioned before like ports etc. but no luck yet. Didn't try anything with DMZ though because I read that it's not safe for PC to do this, apparently?

I was going to do a thread like this, so I'm glad to see this one pinned. Hopefully these problems will get sorted out soon!
net 16 Dec, 2016 @ 6:43am 
i got better results opening the steamworks p2p ports:
y_Sensei 16 Dec, 2016 @ 6:55am 
Originally posted by JimSam:
Didn't try anything with DMZ though because I read that it's not safe for PC to do this, apparently?

If by DMZ you mean activating the respective option in your router's settings for your PC, that's inherently unsafe from a security point of view, since it exposes that PC to any access (meaning access on any port) from the Internet. And since that PC is on the same physical LAN as all other machines/devices connected to it, once that PC is getting compromised, those other devices/machines will be compromised, too.
That's why DMZ's in corporate networks have additional firewalls between the DMZ machines and the rest of the corporate's intranet, or even (physically and/or logically) separate networks which can't access each other unless configured to do so (through NAT/port forwarding).
So I'd recommend to not utilize the DMZ option, but use port forwarding instead. That's not 100% safe either, but a lot better than the DMZ option.
Last edited by y_Sensei; 16 Dec, 2016 @ 9:41am
paul 16 Dec, 2016 @ 11:23am 
Port forwarded all the relevent ports but still can't find any lobbies, or find lobbies via ID's
JimSam 16 Dec, 2016 @ 12:48pm 
Originally posted by y_Sensei:
Originally posted by JimSam:
Didn't try anything with DMZ though because I read that it's not safe for PC to do this, apparently?

If by DMZ you mean activating the respective option in your router's settings for your PC, that's inherently unsafe from a security point of view, since it exposes that PC to any access (meaning access on any port) from the Internet. And since that PC is on the same physical LAN as all other machines/devices connected to it, once that PC is getting compromised, those other devices/machines will be compromised, too.
That's why DMZ's in corporate networks have additional firewalls between the DMZ machines and the rest of the corporate's intranet, or even (physically and/or logically) separate networks which can't access each other unless configured to do so (through NAT/port forwarding).
So I'd recommend to not utilize the DMZ option, but use port forwarding instead. That's not 100% safe either, but a lot better than the DMZ option.

Hm I am not aware of the technical aspects but yes this is pretty much what i mean. Thanks.

I decided only to give it a try only to see if i get a different result and like the topic creator I managed to find a room. Unfortunately I still cannot invite my friend to play.

There is definitely something wrong going on here.
Kabaluk 17 Dec, 2016 @ 1:13am 
Also can't find any matches/rooms. Anyone got a solution?
Alfred Y.Z. 17 Dec, 2016 @ 3:29am 
Originally posted by Kabaluk:
Also can't find any matches/rooms. Anyone got a solution?
It's your Internet provider problem. So do I. I am going to change once the contract is over.
Seph 17 Dec, 2016 @ 3:44am 
Which IP should I put under "Host IP" when turning on DMZ?
Space Hamlet 17 Dec, 2016 @ 6:44am 
Sign definitely seemed more reliable than Revelator does, so I'm not sure it can be entirely chalked up to ISPs. Hopin' this get enough attention that we see a patch
Space Hamlet 17 Dec, 2016 @ 6:46am 
Originally posted by Seph:
Which IP should I put under "Host IP" when turning on DMZ?
Search for how to set up a static IP address - the easiest way I've found is to set it up in your router's DHCP options, but that'll depend on your equipment.
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