theHunter: Call of the Wild™

theHunter: Call of the Wild™

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Startup crashing solved
I had an issue today where trying to start the game it would crash on startup. Every single time I launched the game it crashed immediately. Additionally I don't think sending a bug report works, looks like that had errors as well when I tried to auto send the crash report. I did a lot of troubleshooting, following the guide provided and on my own.

I was wrapping up, over it, done. Nothing was changing the startup crash. I then noticed when I right-click the game in steam and go to properties there was a long string of commands in the launch options. I don't recall putting this there, ever. I wish I had copy/pasted the string of commands. Instead I just deleted it all.

Game launched flawlessly after deleting the long string of commands.

In steam right-click thehunter > properties > underneath launch options deleting any commands. Immediately solved my issue.