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GranitePenguin 2017년 11월 2일 오전 6시 33분
Ogre Tutorials
I've started making some tutorials that I hope will help new players.
Ogre Tutorial: GEV Terrain Effects
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12개 댓글 중 1-12개 표시
GranitePenguin 2017년 11월 8일 오후 10시 16분 
The next tutorial in the series is up:
Ogre Tutorial: Light Tracked Units Terrain Effects
This covers Missile Tanks and Light Tanks.
GranitePenguin 2017년 11월 18일 오후 6시 58분 
Confused how to use Infantry? Check out my latest tutorial on Infantry terrain effects
For other units, check out my Terrain Effects Playlist
GranitePenguin 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2017년 11월 19일 오후 2시 22분
Auroch Digital  [개발자] 2017년 11월 19일 오후 1시 20분 
Big thanks for that Granite Penguin! Looking good! ...though might want to edit the URL link? I had to deleted the question marks to get it to work :)
Auroch Digital 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2017년 11월 19일 오후 1시 21분
GranitePenguin 2017년 11월 19일 오후 2시 24분 
Auroch Digital님이 먼저 게시:
Big thanks for that Granite Penguin! Looking good! ...though might want to edit the URL link? I had to deleted the question marks to get it to work :)
Thanks for the heads up. extra quote characters that carried over from another posting. All sorted now.
GranitePenguin 2017년 11월 23일 오전 1시 16분 
Don't get your Ogre stuck while playing this Thanksgiving. Check out my latest tutorial on Ogres, HVY tanks and SHVYs https://youtu.be/_edbW2eMMPA
GranitePenguin 2017년 11월 24일 오후 2시 07분 
I've also linked all four videos to the video section here on Steam. If they are helpful, please vote them up on Steam so people new to the game can find them. :-)
gmaxschmidt 2017년 11월 26일 오후 1시 42분 
I have watched all of your tutorials and they are excellent! Kudos to you GranitePenguin!
GranitePenguin 2017년 11월 26일 오후 9시 55분 
Glad you like them. I was trying to demystify a few of the inerponits about why the game does what it does. How terrain affects units is not immediately obvious, unfortunately.
GranitePenguin 2017년 11월 30일 오전 9시 40분 
Just thought I'd ask..

Are there any questions about rules, strategies, etc that anyone has? I'm starting to think about what the next videos should be, so I thought I'd get some feedback from everyone on what they would like to see.
AurochJake 2017년 11월 30일 오전 10시 02분 
This is a great question; we've pinned the topic and look forward to your next video.

Thanks again for taking the time to make these. Very informative and great to get an Ogre veteran's advice!
jasonft 2021년 3월 21일 오전 12시 25분 
Is there a tutorial on how overruns work?I find them very confusing for some reason but absolutely can see the need for using them well.
GranitePenguin 2021년 4월 3일 오후 2시 01분 
maybe that'll be one I should add. On a basic level, this is how they work:

Overruns are mini-battles that take place during the movement phase, so the defensive side is the stationary force (the one not moving). The idea is usually for the moving side to try to open a choke point by flooding a hex with units (hence the "overrun"). Overruns are fully-resolved before movement continues. In most cases, it's a fight until all units on one side or the other are completely wiped out.

Important things to remember:
* Defensive units get terrain bonuses (they are the "dug-in" units the moving playing is trying to dislodge), the attackers do NOT get terrain bonus.
* Ogre and Infantry unit weapon attack strength is doubled
* All D results are X (close range, more deadly)
* disabled units can attack at 1/2 strength (eg, the unit's computer is doing basic survival)
* defense fires first

The order of steps during an overrun are
1. Attacking player moves all units into the hex they want involved. These can come from anywhere in range; they do not have to be coming from the same hex
2. Both sides set up INF by separating into individual units (eg, a 3/1 INF is broken into three 2/1 INF (remember INF strength is doubled))
3. defense attacks - every unit gets a shot like a normal combat; they can combine fire, etc
4. any Ogre gets to ram a single unit (this happens only once per overrun)
5. any surviving attackers now get to return fire
6. any surviving Attacking Ogre gets a single ram
7. defense attacks
8. attackers attack
9. goto 7 until one side is completely wiped out
10. normal movement continues after the overrun

Once one side has been wiped out, the remaining units are left in the hex. If it's the attackers that won, any units that have remaining movement points can keep moving through the hex. Stacking limits apply. If there are more than 5 units, and they can't move, you have to lose enough units to get back down to the limit. This applies only to the attackers, because they are the ones currently moving. I have not tested if the game honors this rule or not (I'll probably test that later).

There is an edge case that could leave units from both sides still in the hex at the end of the battle. If an Ogre has all its weapons stripped, and has already taken its one ram at the beginning of the overrun, it can no longer make any attacks. If this happens, you go through two more fire rounds in the overrun and call it quits. In this situation, both the Ogre and the remaining units from the opposing force will be in the hex together. This is most common with smaller Ogres with limited weapons (eg, the MK I has only the single Main Battery).

You might want to also review the paper rules for the boardgame:
specifically, section 8, with 8.04 outlining the above steps

Let me know if you need any more clarifications
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12개 댓글 중 1-12개 표시
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