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Dj_Zorbas 6 Nov, 2024 @ 11:05am
was SHENZHEN I/O different or am I tripping?
So I remember CLEARLY a game in steam I had with logic gates and a story line...

I can't find it in my library though ... but i clearly remember playing it and also reviewing (I dont remember reviewing it as clearly but I think I at least send feedback to the devs in not reviewing it ) it.. checked my reviews and there is nothing for such a game..

The game has like this pathway you worked for a chip company and there was stuff needed to increase sales what not and started simple connecting two logic gates with a cable then testing out and what not.

but it is not like SHENZHEN I/O at least the way it is now, it didnt had coding for example and the logic gate modules were smaller and in general the ui different there was also a map with each step/level completed

Did such a game on steam exist? or am I tripping? was SHENZHEN I/O completely different in the early days?
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mala 7 Nov, 2024 @ 9:40am 
mhhhh no, shenzhen has been like that since the beginning. "Turing Complete" has a map, but nothing about company sales, others zach's games (hexapunk, tis100) still no map and no sales as far as i remember. Shenzen is the only one that count the cost of the pieces you use. I remember seeing a game where you build old style tech, but i don't remember the name
mala 15 Nov, 2024 @ 3:07am 
nope, sorry
Beta009 15 Nov, 2024 @ 8:45pm 
sorry for being late, um, could you have mistaken the game for Silicon Zeroes perchance? it's on steam here.
doshik_tesla 12 Dec, 2024 @ 9:14am 
The Signal State ?
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