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Easy Game/Programming Recommendations?
Hello my fellow gamer/programmers. I am increasingly curious about programming for my own reasons. But have always seen programming as very boring and difficult to learn. I know time and new technology are always facilitating many things. I was hoping that someone here might be able to recommend a game or games that could introduce me to programming in a easy and hopefully fun way. I know almost nothing about programming. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thank you.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Aurelius 2 Mar, 2024 @ 10:29am 
It's difficult to make a recommendation without knowing your education background and how skilled you are naturally at logical reasoning, which is a way of thinking that is helpful for programming. There are games on Steam which aim to teach programming - I just did a search and found Elara - you can search using the "programming" tag. Many programming games (such as Shenzhen IO) get difficult quite quickly and require quite good reasoning skills. You might find it more direct to your goal to try a website for learning code via games, such as Code Combat.
Angels_Rising 2 Mar, 2024 @ 1:46pm 
Thank you for that info. Will look into. Much appreciated. Someone recommended Exapunks as a good start. So I am planing on starting there. Am just holding on a bit hoping to see it go on sale. I did HTML coding years ago. But I never got proficient and just abandoned it. But I have no idea what or if any similarities to the other programming stuff. Much appreciated.
Angels_Rising 16 Mar, 2024 @ 1:11am 
Thank you for taking the time for that info.
cuss 16 Mar, 2024 @ 11:04am 
OP, my post is gone so I'll quickly re-post for you and anybody else with the same question.
For hack games try Hack RUN, Hacknet & Uplink. And for code try TIS-100.
Moderator Abuse 17 Mar, 2024 @ 4:05am 
Understanding some basic concepts by sticking with something simple and experimenting, This leads to grasping other tings with ease.

You need to put points into experience.
Christmas Bulge 9 May, 2024 @ 12:54pm 
Have you ever wished you could manipulate reality? That with whats in your mind you could manipulate the fabric of whats real and what not? Mastery of a particular field will equip you with this capability, the answer you seek op is only found after you have devoted time into a particular practice its a sort of addiction after you have put your self through the unnecessary pain of study, there is no short cut OP. All i can tell you is if you stick through it the universe will reward you with wonders your mind has never even conceived.
Last edited by Christmas Bulge; 9 May, 2024 @ 12:55pm
Tex Murphy 27 May, 2024 @ 4:34pm 
Originally posted by Aurelius:
You might find it more direct to your goal to try a website for learning code via games, such as Code Combat.

I just played the first level of Code Combat. Thank you for the recommendation. This game seems cool!
Mortaneus 27 May, 2024 @ 8:46pm 
Also check out Human Resource Machine, and its sequel 7 Billion Humans. You're clicking and dragging rather than typing it out by hand, but it's programming regardless.
Last edited by Mortaneus; 27 May, 2024 @ 8:47pm
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