Star Tactics
Expeditions DLC not buyable?
Apparently the game lets you play the first 3 stages of Expeditions without an additional purchase, but unlocks the rest behind a DLC. The problem is, the DLC appears to be missing... It does not appear on the game's store page, and the 'Unlock Expeditions' button you get in-game after hitting the DLC wall just sends me to a page with a Steam shopping cart with nothing in it.
Messaggio originale di -13-:
Thanks for leeting us know. There was some delay before DLC went live
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Looks like the DLC is live now. I'll probably check it out later.
L'autore della discussione ha indicato un messaggio come risposta alla propria domanda.
-13-  [sviluppatore] 15 feb 2018, ore 3:26 
Thanks for leeting us know. There was some delay before DLC went live
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