The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

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Damplel 28 Oct, 2016 @ 4:46am
Same Intro/Cart glitch
I always got a glitch while playing the normal skyrim, where the carts would go crazy and the horses would walk into walls at the begining.
Honestly cant believe bethesda released this, from everything ive seen so far nothings changed.
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
ToxicMushroom 28 Oct, 2016 @ 4:49am 
Yeah , agree , i feared sudden bugs still would be in this :/
this one " where i press new game, and the cart flys all around the place, same with the horse, heck i even got killed in a for a few secs of pressing new game , wtf O_o

and second fear - that a bug ,where you open a door forexmple and every item in there flys all over the place O_o..
Delta 1038 28 Oct, 2016 @ 4:49am 
The physics engine goes crazy when the fps is over 60.

Turn on Vysync.
Damplel 28 Oct, 2016 @ 4:52am 
Originally posted by Delta 1038:
The physics engine goes crazy when the fps is over 60.

Turn on Vysync.
Dammit why do bethesda make me limit my frames, its the same for fallout.
I didnt buy all this hardware and a 144hz monitor for nothing :(
Karvik 28 Oct, 2016 @ 4:52am 
Originally posted by Damplel:
Originally posted by Delta 1038:
The physics engine goes crazy when the fps is over 60.

Turn on Vysync.
Dammit why do bethesda make me limit my frames, its the same for fallout.
I didnt buy all this hardware and a 144hz monitor for nothing :(
Well their engine really isn't from an era where that stuff was commonplace.
Damplel 28 Oct, 2016 @ 4:55am 
Anyone here actually know how to turn vsync on?
Cant find a launcher option and the only thing todo with vsync in the ini file is turnt on
Duraldo 28 Oct, 2016 @ 4:56am 
I actually had to turn off v sync entirely to make this game run right :/
IrishBoar 28 Oct, 2016 @ 4:58am 
I just went to the nvidia control panel and went to "Change resolution" and set the refresh rate to 60hz, solved my issue.
Eboreus 28 Oct, 2016 @ 4:59am 
Nobody needs more than 60 frames anyway - it's just like HiFi: some frquences simply can't be heard anymore ...
Damplel 28 Oct, 2016 @ 5:01am 
Originally posted by Eboreus:
Nobody needs more than 60 frames anyway - it's just like HiFi: some frquences simply can't be heard anymore ...
You can easily see past 60fps if your monitor can handle it
Fnax 28 Oct, 2016 @ 5:01am 
you can also switch the refresh rate on your monitor to 60hz instead of vsync :)
Damplel 28 Oct, 2016 @ 5:03am 
Originally posted by Mischuii:
you can also switch the refresh rate on your monitor to 60hz instead of vsync :)
I know you can, its just a pain in the ass when i play other games.
Having to switch back and forth just annoys me
Saviliana 28 Oct, 2016 @ 12:03pm 
Well, just like the old song: "They see me rolling, they hatin'..."
Seriously, just go get the "Unoffical Skyrim Special Edition Patch", I used to having the same problem, then I got patched most of them through this.
ToxicMushroom 29 Oct, 2016 @ 4:40am 
Originally posted by Mischuii:
you can also switch the refresh rate on your monitor to 60hz instead of vsync :)
that worked for me - nvidia user-.
Originally posted by IrishBoar:
I just went to the nvidia control panel and went to "Change resolution" and set the refresh rate to 60hz, solved my issue.

dude you re awesome, thank you
Super old thread, glad it helped.

But that my friend, is not a bug, that's a FEATURE!
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