Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade

Lilith 2 月 14 日 上午 7:48
TLDR: How do you counter Fire Prism Spam against 2 AI as Space Marines?
I'm very used to playing Titanium Wars on Hard mode by this point, but ONLY purely as Imperial Guard, I have my strats and they got me through multiple campaign runs. Recently I changed to Space Marines, toned it down to Normal since I'm a noob with every other faction and tried the campaign again. I got utterly stomped on my 3rd mission by Eldar, most notably Fire Prism spams by 2 Eldar AI's.
Quickly I'm realising the things I took for granted in Imperial guard no longer apply here, as the guard I would laugh at Prisms with Basilisks but now.....they are the bane of my existance as space marines. So as an utter space marine noob, PLEASE, how do you deal with 2 AI's spamming Fire Prisms?
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ΆΡΗΣ 2 月 14 日 上午 10:41 
withdraw in disgust is not apathy

the bois with the jetpacks and their grenades take half the health of the prism
HappySack 2 月 14 日 下午 1:16 
As always kill one of them before it gets to that point and you let them mob you, secondly your own vehicles (specifically predator annihilators) are the best option since infantry don't stand a chance.

And you should always hotkey your orbital relay and have dreadnoughts set on autocast so you can constantly drop them on top of enemy positions.
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