Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade

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Troubleshooting Tips
Having trouble launching your game?
Here are a few known solutions for getting your game to run.

Verify Cache
Right click on your Steam game title, and select properties, then click on LOCAL FILES tab.
"Select Verify Integrity of Game Cache".
If you are missing files, let Steam download them to see if it solves the issue.

Try to uninstall/re-install your game.

OS Update
Make sure you have the latest Windows update.

2005 C++ Runtime (Dark Crusade)
Run from your game install folder here: Dawn of War Dark Crusade\VCRedist

Direct X (Dark Crusade)
Else try installing from here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=35

Localized text errors:
Try to install in a different language. If it works, then set your language setting back to your preferred language and run the game.

Windows 8 OS users
.Net cleanup tool.
Windows 8.1 users can try to cleanup their .Net installation by running the following.

Switch Compatibility Mode
Switch your program to run in Windows 98/ME compatibility mode. Find your game .exe file, right click, select properties, click compatibility, under "Compatibility Mode" enable "run this program in compatibility mode:" select Windows 98/ME in the pulldown menu.

Can't see any multiplayer games:

Make sure you don't have additional Game Launch Options.
Right click on your Steam game title, and select properties,
Under "General Tab", click on "Set Launch Options", remove any text from here.

Make sure you are on the latest build.
If the game doesn't run after this, then click on UPDATES tab, then under Automatic Update, select, "Always keep this game up to date".

Issue with Crash/Shutdown in opening Cinematics
Try using the -nomovies launch options.
Right click on your Steam game title, and select properties,
Under "General Tab", click on "Set Launch Options", add text "-nomovies".

Graphic/Display Issues (DOW1 titles):
Try to run GraphicsConfig located in game install directory.

Mouse pointer missing
You need to change the following lines in spdx9_config.txt file which is located in
\Steam\SteamApps\common\Dawn of War Gold\Drivers

Before :
; allowhwcursor : allows the use of the Dx8 cursor system
allowhwcursor 1

; allowhwcursor : allows the use of the Dx8 cursor system
allowhwcursor 0

with that, you should be able to unfrozen the mouse pointer
Last edited by Relic_Vowel; 14 Aug, 2014 @ 11:48am