Lost Planet 2

Lost Planet 2

Fix this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game
Your studio is going to ♥♥♥♥, fix the games that your OG fans love
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Edit: This did not work for me. Works on my potato computer, but not my new modern beast of a PC. Solution in next comment.

I was just coming on to say the same thing! I remember I had to download some files, like DLL's that made the game run, on my old rig. Get around the broken startup GFWL check. But that was quite a long time ago and I need to find the solution again.


It was in the community guides.

Another edit:

Like everything else these days, the Gamewiki files page is inundated with popup ads. When you click to "Download" a window pops up with lots of download buttons to unrelated things. The one you want is a grey box at the bottom that says, "Agree and Download" On the next popup, the grey "download" button in the middle is the one you want.
Last edited by chuckpolk; 21 hours ago
The above is did not work on my new rig, but this solution did:

1. Get dinput8.dll and put it in the game folder.

2: Download XLiveless and put the DLL in the game folder:

It should work after this. If not, one last step is to go in the Game Folder, open directx_jun2010, and run the DXSetup.
Last edited by chuckpolk; 21 hours ago
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