Where the Water Tastes Like Wine

Where the Water Tastes Like Wine

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cavy 1 Jan, 2023 @ 11:28pm
ctrl swap please
Literally, this game is a pain in the hand. I have no quarrel with the content, music, or mechanics of it. I can tell I should like it. But i have very small hands, and steering with WASD while holding L ctrl to whistle causes

I don not own a controller. I will not ever use on either. Repetitive strain injuries being what they are, I can't.
Can we please whistle with R ctrl as well? It's a lot less of stretch for the fingers.
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cavy 2 Jan, 2023 @ 7:38pm 
I see. Thank you for the advice. If I decide it still isn't going to work out for this game, I'm sure I'll get some use out of remapping for other programs.
Thanks again!
Johnnemann  [developer] 14 Jan, 2023 @ 4:32am 

You're correct that the game will probably not receive any new updates. This is because I have a full-time job with legal constraints on what I can work on, which also leaves me with far less time. Updating a game this large is a difficult proposition, because any change can silently cause other problems, which can only be found by putting in the time to thoroughly test - without a QA team, and without any free time, that's an impossible burden for me, unfortunately.

I am eternally grateful for anyone who has played this game and engaged with my work - that is the reason I made it, after all! I cherish everyone who has thoughtfully approached it whether they enjoyed it or not, and I feel incredibly guilty about any technical problems that anyone else has encountered that mars their enjoyment.
DoctorWorm 24 Jan, 2023 @ 3:40pm 
You can use left shift too, that works better for me (my little finger has limited mobility so left ctrl was causing pain).
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