I recently started up Avorion again and progressed all the way to Trinium, hoping to make use of mining/salvaging fighters in order to help clear sectors more efficiently. I knew from loading screen tips that transporters would be required to make proper use of r- lasers but I had a fairly nice trinium-grade mining laser that I shoved into a fighter factory, using the bonus points to make the resulting fighter really small (for more of them) and maneuverable. I then blueprinted the fighter and began producing them for 7k trinium a pop, a substantial investment for the point of the game where I was at. Given all of this, when I saw the fighters in action my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.

They didn't go ranging across the sector to mine away at multiple asteroids - they couldn't go more than about 2.5km from the carrier, so flying to each individual rock was still required in most cases.

The swarm of fighters didn't grind rocks to dust in a matter of seconds - they took minutes to cut apart even the smallest and poorest targets, as if they were using common iron mining lasers. And while I'm not prepared to swear to this, it felt as though the yield was much smaller than the 20+% promised by the laser that went into the blueprint.

So now I'm trying to find out what went wrong. Did I make a mistake with the design of the fighter? Do they only get good once transporters make r-mining feasible? Are fighters just kinda garbage and I expected too much of them? Any information would be appreciated.
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I mean never had an issue wait you actually mining in sector with a mining ship? The ♥♥♥♥ most people just send the ship on a mining mission you only mine yourself when you got some stuff to do in house or got to head to store a for a bit and need an excuse to let teh game run IMO.

You also need the transporter tech for them to be good and R miners are king for ordering mining runs. Like only time i done that in ages with my real mining ship was when I built my second one and I was killing time trying to find more R mining lasers to put on it before I sent it out. Mining drones help its per hour gather rates. But they defianlty mine way more from that you can even order them to ignor some things increased yeild of whats left per hour.

Like I got one does all ores, next one skips iron because I got too much damn iron other one still gets it only to be "safe" also I sell it in mass here and there for hell of it or get lucky see requests for selling it so its only reason I let it go above 50k iron

Also speed is big thing in mining ship like 2/3 mining is going from one rock to the next. Having decent speed does factor in to the mine mission gather rates because well it makes sense. Even with the drones my miners get the MOST from the HIDDEN astroids you can't see with out a miner attachment or skill does it. And its not infinate range I have bad luck finding them ealry game I got one now its 5k reach and again that is where the big hauls were when I did in sector because they find a rock with 60k titanium in it and it takes ages to break it early game but so much more because they are not driving all over the place.

But speed is something to consider even in EVE online half mining was moving to the spot you wanted to mine early game. And trinnum is like early game to me. Like its late early game you finally MOST the blocks you cna build with but not all
Автор останньої редакції: Zalzany; 21 січ. о 8:20
cant help you with the dmg they do... mining fighters seem a bit weak for me as well, at least compared to exactly the same ones for salvaging (from turret factory turrets with the same stats).

to avoid the pilgrimmage from roid to roid, or ship to ship, i use a workaround by setting a key to "disable engines", might sound wierd, but has the following effect on the autopilot.

it still "tries" to fly and "aim" at stuff, but because he cant move and is ever more away from the target, the angle for aiming from one target to the next gets smaller and becomes really fast... even so fast the fighters are to slow then. anyway, he just sends them from one "target to the other" skipping the part where he flies there himself, turns and wiggles and never shoots much.

so, to sum it up. designate a key to "engines off", before enabling "mine/salvage" sector, hit that key so the ship cant move, then send the fighters. if you got enough, this is super fast for salvageing and decent for mining, because the hard rocks "hidden res in roids" can literally take 5-10 min.

if i had to guess id say 50 to 100 procent more miners than salvagers. at r-laser lvl of course.
Автор останньої редакції: lalelunatic; 21 січ. о 8:16
Fighters are amazing on remote operations. And yes, teleporters and R-Mining or R-Salvaging make them better.

Iron lasers in Trinium space is bound to suck, so that is probably a large part of the problem.
i have to say that i had made turrets from a factory (R turrets) in xanion lvl for my fighters and they still took 7ish minutes to break a 39k trinium hidden roid with 24 fighters. those lasers are also the best i found hanging around the barrier for a few days now... so yeah, they are feeling a bit weak.

that said, the exactly same turret in salvaging, which isnt the best anymore (found a better one later) ravages wrecks at double the speed with the same amount of fighters. albeit i must say if i farm sectors directly adjectant to the barrier (38 tech), they also take ♥♥♥ forever for "some" bigger blocks... takes them 10-20 flybys. its kinda wierd.
Цитата допису Luke:
Fighters are amazing on remote operations. And yes, teleporters and R-Mining or R-Salvaging make them better.

Iron lasers in Trinium space is bound to suck, so that is probably a large part of the problem.
I think you misunderstood part of my post. The damage the fighters were doing was "as if" they were using iron lasers. The actual laser used in the blueprint was a trinium laser.
In my experience, mining fighters don't mine much - if at all - faster than mining lasers. Their key advantage is that they mine sooner - and a whole lot sooner.

Fighters don't have to maneuver around asteroids the same way as ships. They just go straight there and start mining right away. Ships on autopilot usually spend a stupefying amount of time just trying to get to their next asteroid thanks to their bottom-dollar pathfinding. Sometimes, they'll get there, and spend another 3 - 5 minutes just spinning around, trying to figure out which side their mining lasers are on.

This all comes at minimal cost in subsystems. You get 1 squad free, and can get up to 4 more per subsystem slot. Fitting a few hangars onto a ship usually doesn't cost too much in processing power, either, so it's not too difficult to work into an existing design.

If you're not using autopilot or map missions, though, then ouch, oof, yikes they're not likely to impress.
yeah, exactly what Insano-Man said. albeit it still beeing comparably slower than salvaging sadly. and yeah... "manually" autopilot isnt the norm, but more often than not im in a system with roids and someone calls me, or something quick comes up. getting a few dozen k mins while away wont work with missions that well.
> So now I'm trying to find out what went wrong.

You didn't use an r-mining laser you used a normal mining laser. No r-mining laser ever had an efficiency of ~20%.


NB: (FWIW) there was some kind of tweak in 2.4 or 2.5 maybe where the r-miners _don't_ require you to have the active transporter software/hardware.

So r-miners in trinium should be doable even if not great.


Also 7k for a miner is kind of low. A decent trinium r-mining fighter would go for more like 11-14k. So the laser you used was probably kind of trash (sorry).


Also, when you made the fighter did you use the +s underneath it to make it faster and more manoeuvrable? Sounds like maybe you didn't allocate any of the available points? (Edit for clarity: in the fighter factory UI)


A group of approx. ~60 r-mining fighters _should_ chew through a decent sized asteroid in seconds. How many seconds is mainly affected by how many 'jousting passes' they make, and thus turning speed is a good thing, not just raw speed.


Hope some of this nonsense helped.
Автор останньої редакції: rickcarson; 22 січ. о 3:33
Fighters have been rendered largely useless in 2.0. I haven't looked for mods to restore them to their proper functionality yet. It was easier for me to just let them go.

I have a list of reasons, but I'm sick of repeating it. I just avoid using them now. I can raise a fleet of cheap, basic mining ships in less than 1/10th of the time it takes to fill a hangar with extremely expensive Fighters. That point alone would have done it for me, but then you have all the other ways they were deliberately crippled.

The only response I can think of is: "Well, they clearly don't want me using them."

Kinda like Boarding.
Цитата допису Sirus:
They didn't go ranging across the sector to mine away at multiple asteroids - they couldn't go more than about 2.5km from the carrier, so flying to each individual rock was still required in most cases.

Small tip. Hire a captain and turn off engine during mining. Captain will send fighters to any asteroid in sector, regardless of the range of the fighters.
Цитата допису Sirus:
So now I'm trying to find out what went wrong. Did I make a mistake with the design of the fighter? Do they only get good once transporters make r-mining feasible? Are fighters just kinda garbage and I expected too much of them? Any information would be appreciated.

Mining without r-mining lasers is a waste of time. I'm not big fan of r-mining so I made a mod solving my problem. If you do not use mods just use r-mining, add transporter block and transport upgrade so r-mining fighter can teleport goods to your cargo hold.
well fighers are one of the best ways to screw you omicron trough the roof a good fighter setup can do 3,6k dmg a pop (ogonit with coxials lower mats with coxial should also work wonders) and the big benefit for mining is the sheer mass you can spam out if the are set to auto mine they are fast little beasts i dont know if there is a r mining coxial never really had enough r-mining to try to get on but they are useful in a rich asteroid field
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