"Happy Holidays"? Just grow "a pair..."
What "days"? :D Why do you have a free of work festive days? Hm... let's think... maybe because it's a Christian Holy Day? Maybe we're cheering the 2024 anniversary of the Christ being born? :D At this point it's just sad. I'm an atheist but I totally know why different "holidays" are being celebrated and I'm educated, honest and inteligent enough to just admit it. No matter if you believe or not believe in Christ who is God, almost all most imporant celebrations in our Western Culture are Christian. Just do a honest thing. Either stop celebrating them at all or simply admit why we all are celebrating those days. It's so simple.
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กำลังแสดง 1-3 จาก 3 ความเห็น
I could recommend you a good therapist?
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Keen Shadow of the Mist:
What "days"? :D Why do you have a free of work festive days? Hm... let's think... maybe because it's a Christian Holy Day? Maybe we're cheering the 2024 anniversary of the Christ being born? :D At this point it's just sad. I'm an atheist but I totally know why different "holidays" are being celebrated and I'm educated, honest and inteligent enough to just admit it. No matter if you believe or not believe in Christ who is God, almost all most imporant celebrations in our Western Culture are Christian. Just do a honest thing. Either stop celebrating them at all or simply admit why we all are celebrating those days. It's so simple.
It's not about the occasion, but the people you spend it with.
Also, the Holiday celebration, festivities, gifts & such has more to do with business strategies getting you to spend money, more then it being anything religious.
Most Religious entities are simply businesses anyways.
In my country New Year is celebrated over Christmas. Most other holidays are also non-religious (Independence Day, Nation Day, Fathers' Day, Mothers' Day, Women's Day, so on).
Also, what would you suggest to replace religious holidays with?
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กำลังแสดง 1-3 จาก 3 ความเห็น
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