Riders of Icarus

Riders of Icarus

10 Feb @ 9:52pm
Riders of Icarus – Service Closure Announcement
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
skai. 10 Feb @ 10:27pm 
We'll never know how the story ends :steamsad:
RIP, I'll remember the good times with friends, way back in the day.
Cpaw 10 Feb @ 10:37pm 
RIP! Another MMO that i witness close down. :steamsad:
Cant they make it offline/single play option? :(
Thanks for the good times i had.
Cir 11 Feb @ 1:06am 
Originally posted by Cpaw:
RIP! Another MMO that i witness close down. :steamsad:
Cant they make it offline/single play option? :(
Thanks for the good times i had.
as how much we would want that, there's no way they will do it. These days its all about greed. Unless someone ''helps'' with that project and what I mean helps is does everything on their own. Then I think there could be a chance, but who will do it? It's not worth the effort unless someone does it for pure joy which most likely wont be the case coz skilled people are already occupied in other things and their time is precious. But that's a cool thought you have there. And it was indeed one of the best games (taming mechanic wise).
After closing my ranger voice lines will hunt me for the rest of my life :ToothlessSoD:
OMG this is broken my heart, I'm a Brazilian and I love the concept of this game of you exploring and taming monsters and there are so many cool monsters. I found out about this game through a friend of my brother in 2018, then in 2019 I played a lot alone which made my progress very difficult. I've been to several events, including one where the developer personally gave out gifts to the players. I tried to bring friends to the games but they didn't stick around. I bought 2 in-game skins, one Spirit Chaser pack with black skin and 3 DLC packs through Steam with the idea of ​​helping monetize in some way, no matter if it was expensive for me or not and i played 1,200 hours with my berserker female gothic. I transferred the account by changing servers. Those who really liked the game would periodically check it and see the news. And I realized that the developers gave their all to make the game a success, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to have happened.
Last edited by ABYSSSSSBOSSSSS; 11 Feb @ 11:03am
oh nooo :steamsad:
my fav gameee Ahhh
Muito decepcionado... Meu jogo favorito, infelizmente não encontrei um jogo como Riders Of Icarus, uma pena diferente de Diablo e outros que estão disponíveis até hoje.
SolitudeLoner 11 Feb @ 10:02am 
If Nexon still owned this game, it would not be facing this situation right now, it should of never been sold to VALOFE. Nexon first got my attention when Combat Arms came out back in the old days, but they got rid of that one too.

I heard when this game was sold and bought by VALOFE all accounts were supposed to be transferred over or face account wipe, many did not and did face wipes. When this game first came out i decided to play it on the nexon website and not steam, for i heard that there was a restriction on with their own in-game store, how you need to be this level or log in for how many hours just to access it?

I've scrolled through everybody else's comments saying how their characters are now gone, the game crashes and their account is wiped with no warning. If this game can't keep track of their own database of returning or stable players and fix the bugs that they have, then this game needs to be killed PERIOD
LouisaB75 11 Feb @ 10:26am 
Originally posted by skai.:
We'll never know how the story ends :steamsad:

I stopped playing some years ago and after seeing the announcement today was debating whether to reinstall it while I still can to see if the story ever got concluded. I guess this answers my question. A shame really.
Peisou 13 Feb @ 1:06am 
Es una pena, hoy me lo instalare para poder rememorar los buenos dias con mis amigos en este juegazo.

Pero siendo sincero, ya mucho duraba sabiendo que practicamente nadie seguia jugando, no metian ningun contenido nuevo.

La historia no llego a terminar nunca ni a saber que pasaba.

Solo les interesaba tener cosas de paytowin, y las actualizamos eran bastantes deficientes.

Ya no nos vamos a meter de cuando migraron servidores o plataformas y se perdieron un monton de cuentas por la incompentencia del equipo de soporte.

Y la verdad que es de los pocos mmorpg, que de verdad puedes decir que tienes de todo, es una pena que no hayan sabido explotarlo.

Espero que en un futuro algun desarrollador o juego pueda igualarse a este gran juego.
please at least tell us how the story ends or something :steamsad:
Sempre vou lembrar desse jogo e dos bons amigos que eu fiz desde 2016. 1300 horas de boas lembranças, F no chat
damn, rip. I loved the mechanics of this game because theres nothing out there (atleast to my knowledge) that allows you to do the things this game lets you.

I'll always remember first playing this game and loving the mounts:steamsad:.
Eliqqy 15 Feb @ 9:39am 
Kind of sad that this game is ending , one of my favorite games to play of all time
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