Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

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Is there a way to have non-damaged sprites for your summons?
So, it's just for OCD but is it possible to change the sprites of your summons? For regular enemies, it's quite simple, just don't deal too much damage before capturing. But for bosses, it's impossible, the capture difficulty is so high that you need to deal a big chunks of damage.

(The main reason I ask this is because of Vulcan/Poseidon. The sprites looks so pitiful when hurt that it looks like I abused of them when I summon them)
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Hold on, the sprites change? I thought that they just have one appearance. The Cyclopses, for instance, aren't injured when they're summoned. Are you sure about your premise?
Originally posted by LuckyCheshire:
Hold on, the sprites change? I thought that they just have one appearance. The Cyclopses, for instance, aren't injured when they're summoned. Are you sure about your premise?
Capturing summons will save their current skin when captured (except for specific enemies). As a result enemies like Poseidon and Vulcan that have their skin value changed as their HP gets lower will use those skins instead when captured.

The Cyclops and Cocoon bosses use "skinDamage", which is not saved when used as a summon (hence why they result back to their uninjured forms)
Last edited by Feit-Neo; 8 Feb @ 7:48am
Originally posted by LuckyCheshire:
Hold on, the sprites change? I thought that they just have one appearance. The Cyclopses, for instance, aren't injured when they're summoned. Are you sure about your premise?
Already replied, but yes. The sprite of the last monster captured will be saved as summon. So you can choose which monster sprite you want for your summon when there is variant.

And while I didn't know that some damage weren't saved, I already tested that Vulcan/Poseidon and the mirrors keeps the broken state. Even the cats: if they lose the shield, the summon is without a shield.
Originally posted by ovni.demon:
Originally posted by LuckyCheshire:
Hold on, the sprites change? I thought that they just have one appearance. The Cyclopses, for instance, aren't injured when they're summoned. Are you sure about your premise?
Already replied, but yes. The sprite of the last monster captured will be saved as summon. So you can choose which monster sprite you want for your summon when there is variant.

And while I didn't know that some damage weren't saved, I already tested that Vulcan/Poseidon and the mirrors keeps the broken state. Even the cats: if they lose the shield, the summon is without a shield.
The Mirrors summoning in broken state is actually unintended, they are supposed to revert back to their fixed states when summoned (but due to the code being placed a frame too early it doesn't work properly)
Originally posted by Feit-Neo:
Originally posted by ovni.demon:
Already replied, but yes. The sprite of the last monster captured will be saved as summon. So you can choose which monster sprite you want for your summon when there is variant.

And while I didn't know that some damage weren't saved, I already tested that Vulcan/Poseidon and the mirrors keeps the broken state. Even the cats: if they lose the shield, the summon is without a shield.
The Mirrors summoning in broken state is actually unintended, they are supposed to revert back to their fixed states when summoned (but due to the code being placed a frame too early it doesn't work properly)
IIRC you can get mirror summon in intact state if you capture without breaking. I remember succeeding at that but it was a few years ago, so maybe I recall that wrong.
Originally posted by ovni.demon:
Originally posted by Feit-Neo:
The Mirrors summoning in broken state is actually unintended, they are supposed to revert back to their fixed states when summoned (but due to the code being placed a frame too early it doesn't work properly)
IIRC you can get mirror summon in intact state if you capture without breaking. I remember succeeding at that but it was a few years ago, so maybe I recall that wrong.
Yeah if you capture them without breaking them they will be summoned intact, just they are meant to be always intact when summoned (even if captured broken).
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