Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

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Hot Dog 17 Jul, 2023 @ 2:19am
Controller Button Assignment
Please add the functionality to customize the button assignment for controller. I play with a PS4 controller and its killing me that jump is on square and attack on circle. My brain is used to having jump on X, Attack on square and Roll on Circle.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Tonepoet 21 Jul, 2023 @ 12:11am 
As much as I would personally like this feature as well, I doubt it is going to be added to Reverie Under the Moonlight, as I think rdein considers this a finished product at this point, based on the responses in the last controller thread. I think the best we can hope for is to see it added to Moonlit Farewell, such as it is in games like Freedom Planet and Cave Story Plus.

It especially will not be done for a Playstation 4 controller, since this game is only meant to be used with xinput controllers according to the technical support thread. The existing default preset would match your muscle memory for the corresponding buttons on an xinput controller. Moreover, since a dualshock 4 controller will not work with the game's inbuilt controller support anyway, you must be using a workaround to get the dualshock 4 working with this game already. Either a wireless U.S.B. adapter dongle[] or a software based solution. The official adapter dongle is a step removed from the controller itself, and a bit rare at this point since Sony shifted their focus to Playstation 5 accessories now.

The next best thing to in-game support is to use the button remapper in Steam's big picture mode. Go to the view menu, enable big picture mode, press the home button and select settings. Then select controller and Enable Steam Input for Playstation Controllers

While still in Big Picture mode, find the game in your library and go to its launch page. Across from the word play, there should be a controller icon. You can use that to edit your controller layout and bind both the buttons and directional pad to the corresponding keyboard keys.

As an alternative to binding the keys yourself, I personally just found my Dualshock 4 controller and shared a community button layout. I named it DS4 Default. I think it should correspond to your expectations.

To use my layout, you follow the process up until you click that controller icon.

The current layout should be Official Layout for Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight - Gamepad with Camera controls. Click that, select Community Layouts, select my DS4 Default layout, then press square to apply it.

The way I mapped it is as follows:

  • Directional Pad to Move (Arrow Keys)
  • X is jump (A Key)
  • Square is Attack (S key)
  • Circle is Roll (Q key)
  • Triangle is Use Item (W key)
  • L1 is switch item (E key)
  • R1 is shoot arrow (D key)
  • Share opens the map, and so does L2 (Tab key)
  • Options brings up the pause menu, and so does R2 (Shift key)

Once everything is set up, you can exit big picture mode by going to the steam menu and the power off options if you like. You might want to select keyboard controls while in game, since I bound the buttons to keys.

I have my Dualshock 4 controller plugged directly into my computer's U.S.B. port if that makes any difference. This layout also works for my Hori PS4-044 in playstation 4 mode, and my Hori PS4-100u, although with the PS4-100u the arrow button is a bit finicky, and they are not always coming out for some reason. That might just be a problem with my controller though.

I hope that helps.

(Sidenote: I might have multiple other layouts for my saturn S.L.S. controller. It was a first time experiment with sharing community layouts, and if they are there, it means despite me attempting to delete them, I could not figure out how. Sorry everybody.)
Last edited by Tonepoet; 27 Jul, 2023 @ 5:51pm
Hot Dog 27 Jul, 2023 @ 12:43pm 
Hey, i tried to follow your instructions today but I could not locate any community layout in Big Picture Mode. I also was not able to remap buttons myself. In BPM I clicked the controller icon. There was a button saying something Official Controller layout. There was also a button Activate Steam Input or something - My language setting is german - but I could not select anything or make changes. There was also a screen that showed a graphic of the controller layout but I was not able to do any remapping. Maybe my controller input is limited or I was simply confused by the GUI. Should a your community mapping be available or did you delete it?
Hot Dog 27 Jul, 2023 @ 12:45pm 
And yes I am using a PS4 Controller. It is connected per USB input to my iMac PC.
Tonepoet 27 Jul, 2023 @ 6:46pm 
My point was that the game itself only detects xinput, and the dualshock 4 definitely is not an xinput controller.[]

If you did not install software to help with that yourself, maybe Mac O.S. has an inbuilt directinput to xinput wrapper for it? I am not sure, since I only ever played this game on Windows 7 (years ago) and Ubuntu (which is my current O.S.). That would explain why Sony describes the dualshock 4 as compatible with Mac O.S. Catalina and newer though.[]

Regardless, you have to click on the Official Controller Layout to find the community layouts. I just tried to delete my community layouts again after reading your though, in an effort to fix them up, so maybe that will not show up anymore.

Anyway, I am not sure what went wrong for you, or if my instructions just were not clear enough. Here is a video of me setting up everything and binding the controller buttons to keyboard keys from scratch[], and entering the game with some gameplay footage to show everything working on my end.

I do not know anything about German aside from the unflattering words Mark Twain wrote about it, but I imagine the menu layouts would be the same across all versions of steam, so maybe that will help you figure it out. Fingers crossed for good luck.
Last edited by Tonepoet; 27 Jul, 2023 @ 7:41pm
mikeg2k20 10 Aug, 2023 @ 6:32pm 
I also use a Dualshock 4 controller. I use the app SCP Toolkit for the DS4 drivers. It makes it think of the controller as an Xbox. So it recognizes it normally.
mikeg2k20 10 Aug, 2023 @ 6:33pm 
That being said, the game SHOULD let you map any button. That's a pretty basic feature, even for an indie game like this.
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