Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

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rdein  [utvecklare] 7 mar, 2016 @ 17:22
Updates thread
I'll be using this thread to keep a log of updates.

November 2021 update:
- Fixed an issue where the final boss hitbox would be active between phase transitions
- Fixed an issue allowing the player to get a Crest Fragment and transition to another screen without triggering the cutscene
- Fixed a continuity error related to the NPC "Eri" when she appears in Karst City
- Improved visibility of item sparkles
- Improved visibility of Ivory Bugs
- Improved visibility of Pardoner Fennel's jump attack effect
- The Bellflower at the start of the game is now automatically equipped when you obtain it
- The Bellflower before the Moka boss fight was moved closer to the shortcut
- Ring of Candor now "beeps" several times when a secret is nearby
- Misc. audio improvements
- The third bow charge level now does much more damage
- Adjusted the colors of the Cat ability
- Bells are now displayed by a bell icon in the map, instead of a yellow square
- Adjusted the spawn location for the enemy in the room where you fight Frida, making it easier to complete Pacifist runs

November 2020 update:
- Minor fixes (typos).

October 23th 2018 update:

All Platforms
- Fixed more text overflow issues.

-Fixed issues related to text/audio.

September 28th 2018 update:

All Platforms
- Fixed text overflow issues.
- Fixed a missing text character in Chinese.

- Fixed an issue where the controls would become unresponsive when interacting with items/NPCs.

Changelog for version 1.06:

-Boss drop items are now cancelled only if you take damage during the fight (including self-damage, and poison).
-Easy difficulty adjustments: starting HP was changed to 48, and now Vitality Fragments add up to your HP until a maximum of 80. Previously, you started with 80 HP and Vitality Fragments didn't do anything. For a comparison, Normal difficulty starts with 30 HP, and Hard with 15.
-Higher HP absorption when using Red Ring or Torn Branch (7% of your maximum HP per enemy kill, compared to a fixed amount of 1 HP per kill previously).
-Added an effect to the first Bellflower tree to make its presence clearer.
-Added some minor shaking effect to the death animation of characters that have cat ears.
-Added a new anger effect to Alraunes.
-Added a new dialogue line to Cotillard for when you meet a very specific condition.
-Added some new dialogue to Prudence the Cat (that's the cat at the castle) as a hint for the True Ending.
-Updated the Bad Ending to make it clearer.
-Updated the item description for the Fresh Spring Leaf, as well as the text for the event where you get that item.
-Updated some tutorial text and the difficulty select text to make them clearer.
-(PC/OSX/Linux) Updated Xbox 360 controller prompts to Xbox One controller prompts.
-Changed the level design in a few rooms to make the platforming less annoying to traverse.
-Changed the position of the "dodge" tutorial message slightly.
-Changed the screenshake effect for Fennel's thunder attack.
-Changed character interactions with NPCs/in cutscenes. Now Kaho turns back to human if you talk to NPCs as a cat.
-Improved text localization for some languages (retranslations, typos, etc.)
-Improved Moka's colors slightly.
-Removed collision damage from the horizontal movement attack of the final boss.
-Fixed a rare bug that could lock the player inside a boat.
-Fixed a screen transition in the Park area that could lead to a softlock depending on how you traversed it.
-Fixed some missing graphic in one area of the frozen forest segment.

Changelog for version 1.05b:
-Fixed a room transition error.
-Fixed typos in the Spanish and German translations.

February 27th 2018 update:
-Fixed an issue related to switching Languages.

Changelog for version 1.05a:
-First time boot of the game now has vsync enabled by default.

Changelog for version 1.05:
-Improved the Spanish localization.
-Updated the title screen logos for both Korean and Chinese languages.

Changelog for version 1.04d:
-Fixed an issue where arrows would not work correctly when both the "Drill Arrows" item and the "Quick Arrows" item were equipped at the same time.
-Fixed a framerate issue which happened to some players when you got the "Healthy!" achievement.

December 16th update:
-Fixed an issue where the camera would be locked if you timed a screen transition with a roll just as the Edea/Frida bosses were defeated.

December 31th update:
-Fixed a softlock at the castle area if you got a specific Vitality Fragment as a cat and landed on a platform that breaks.
-Fixed an issue where the menu key would not load correctly (Shift would become Enter) when you opened the game for the second time.

January 29th 2017 update:
-Fixed a bug on the final boss' AI if she raised from the bottom left corner of the screen.
-Fixed a bug on the Archpriestess Choir boss fight that allowed part of her phase 2 animation to be skipped.

Changelog for version 1.04c:
-Fixed a rare crash that happened when the player died during a room transition at the final area of the game.
-Fixed a grass positioning bug on some ledges of the forest area.
-Removed the leap attack from Raddish and Skeleton enemies.

Changelog for version 1.04b:
-Added support for Danish.
-Fixed some text issues in the Korean localization.
-Fixed some text issues in the Spanish localization.
-Fixed a bug that caused the mouse cursor to show up in fullscreen if you entered fullscreen by using the Alt+Enter shortcut.

Changelog for version 1.04a:
-Repurposed the Cinder Key item. That item is no longer necessary to progress through the game. The locked door was moved to block the access to an optional path in the Cinder Chambers area.
-Mouse cursor is no longer displayed if the game is in Fullscreen. It still shows up in Windowed mode.
-Decreased the volume of a couple of sound effects ("reflecting knife", and the "wall moving" sound).
-Fixed an issue some monitor setups had related to fullscreen only displaying black screen and audio.

September 3rd update:
-Fixed Italian localization issues.

Changelog for version 1.04:
-Reduced the intensity of the "red flash" effect when the player is hurt. The death animation flash effect also was reduced.
-Made some changes to the room where you get the "Cinder Key" item, hopefully making it more intuitive.
-Added more details to the cutscene after the Whiteleaf Park boss battle.
-Added a new visual cue for the dash recharge.
-Made some input changes related to climbing ladders.
-Decreased the volume of the dagger reflection sound effect.
-Added extra antecipation frames to Fennel's jump attack animation.

-"Bat Head" enemies now only spawn when you are the edge of a screen, and always at the opposite side of where you are.
-You can now attack fire on the ground to put it out. It also won't hurt you if it's started fading away.
-Reduced the damage done by fire a little bit.
-Added more visual cues to Lubella's ground attack.
-Reduced the screenshake in Lubella's air attack.
-Made some changes to the pillar-spawning attack from the Heretical Arsonist, increasing the deacceleration of the balls when they get close to you. The pillars also spawn closer to the position where the balls stopped.
-The Heretical Arsonist now has a longer cooldown after throwing the teleport balls.

August 14th edit:
Some new changes were made to the game:
-Updated the Sacred Ordalia Grove background music.
-Changed the confirm/cancel input back to the way it was for japanese players.

August 16th edit:
Another quick hotfix patch to fix two issues that have been found:
-Fixed a collision issue in the latter "swinging platform" room in the Subterranean Grave area. The level design of this room was also retouched up a little bit.
-Added more checks to the final boss' hitbox, as I received a bug report that her hitbox could vanish during one of her attacks. Hopefully the issue is fixed now.

Changelog for version 1.03c:
-Improved Chinese localization
-Fixed typos and missing text in Korean localization
-Fixed some background art issue in Lupiar/Magnolia's boss room
-Fixed the position of the version text displayed on the title screen

Changelog for version 1.03b:
-Support for Korean was added.

Changelog for version 1.03a:
-Support for Chinese was added.

Changelog for version 1.03:
-Support for more languages was added: Russian and Italian.
-Changed the way Languages are presented in the Settings menu.
-Disabled movement in ladders when the map is being checked.

Changelog for version 1.02c:
-Reduced the damage done by the regular Radish enemies.
-Added a visual cue for jumping Imp Girl's attacks.
-Jumping Imp Girls wait at least 2 seconds before attacking again.
-Some changes to the Bloodstained Tissue effect: now it hits twice per orb, and the homing behavior was changed to a fixed pattern.

[Bug Fixes]
-Fixed a bug where you couldn't change the game's language if you returned to title screen when a dialogue box was open.
-Fixed a crash that happened when you talked to Magnolia after her dialogue was already over.
-Fixed a bug where the map screen would remain active during the Game Over screen.

-Improved some visual effects.

Changelog for version 1.02b:
-Optimized an item combination that caused a lot of lag: Pocket Incensory + Bakman Patch.

[Bug Fixes]
-Fixed a softlock in case you enter the "knight miniboss" screen from the left, when he's still alive.
-Fixed a situation where the Bakman Patch would have poison effects.
-Fixed a very rare scenario where you could reload your save and the HUD would be invisible.
-Fixed a bug where you could defeat Magnolia and her sprite would be floating above the ground.

Changelog for version 1.02:
-Added a new fan translation: Brazilian-Portuguese. Huge thanks to the Momodora Brasil group for their work!
-Removed some spikes from a room at the Subterranean Grave, and added more lightsources to that room.
-Polished the transition between Settings menu and Customize Keys menu.
-Changed the order of options in the Settings menu.
-Optimized the code in File Select menu.
-Added some missing translations.

[Bug Fixes]
-Fixed a crash related to inventory management.
-Fixed a bug where the Customize Keys text wouldn't be displayed in the selected language.
-Fixed a bug where you could exit out of the Customize Keys menu without properly binding a key.
-Fixed a bug where a particle from the Castle area would show up in the title screen.
-Changed a small bit of level design at the Royal Pinacotheca area to prevent a possible collision issue.
-Fixed an issue with the Spike Balls at the Cinder Chambers.

A very minor update was released on March 16th, but it only added a few more missing translation strings (up, down, left, right) and fixed a bug when switching languages!

Changelog for version 1.01c:
-Added the option of customizing keyboard keys (Settings -> Customize Keys).
Update: fixed a bug where Shift wouldn't bind correctly. Now Shift is the default menu key, but you can bind it to something else if you want! The previous default was Enter, in case you haven't changed that.
-Made it so you can move the map with the right analog stick.
-Some very minor audio changes at the end of the Forest area.
-Fixed a few typos.

-Increased HP of all Final Bosses, along with their damage output and poison resistance.
-Final boss cannot be stunned anymore.

Changelog for version 1.01b:
-Added a shortcut to view the map (default is Tab on keyboard and Select on controllers).
-Audio changes to the Forest area.
-The number of collected Ivory Bugs is now shown in Key Items.
-Game timer now runs on menus.
-Map percentage now shows extra zeroes (eg "001%" instead of "1%").
-Map percentage has a sprite behind percentage to improve readibility.

[Bug Fixes]
-Drilling arrows now poison all enemies that are hit by them.
-Fixed a crash that happened sometimes when you died during a room transition.

Changelog for version 1.01:
-Added a fan translation, German, courtesy of Pumalarios! Thank you!
-Added controller vibration options to Settings menu.
-Fixed some typos.
-Some minor level design changes.

[Bug Fixes]
-Killing the wolves/dogs in the Frida fight shouldn't interfere with the Pacifist achievement anymore.
-Fixed a transition bug in one of the underwater sections of the Subterranean Grave.
-Fixed a softlock in a room of the Royal Pinacotheca area.
-Fixed a mistake in NG+ that allowed you to have two Rotten Bellflowers.
-Adjusted the collision of the Forest elevator.
Senast ändrad av rdein; 27 okt, 2021 @ 18:02