Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight

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Beatz 8 MAY 2016 a las 13:40
pardoner fennel
Tips for beating her? I am playing the hard difficulty.

I read you get drops when not getting hit but I can't even beat her with healing items.

Looks like I'm gonna have to practice a lot but, any tips would be appreciated
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Broso 8 MAY 2016 a las 14:02 
Have you done her yet? If not, get Tainted Missives from the uper left area of the Monastery and the Necklace of Sacrifice from a merchant in Subterranean Grave. I have seen in your other thread that you have been to that place.

Equip the Necklace and another item to boost damage. Then use the Tainted Missives BEFORE the boss battle, to achieve 2 things:

1. lower your HP to trigger the effect of the Necklace of Sacrifice
2. get a temporary boost at the beginning of the battle from the Missives

For Fennel I tried to keep my distance. When you see lightning bolts, quickly dodge roll to the side. And in the second phase you can pretty easily jump over her.
Beatz 8 MAY 2016 a las 14:07 
No, I did not beat her yet. Yes I got that necklace. (didn't try it, stupid me lol) I only need Tainted Missives then. Time for rematch !
Combat Lobster 9 MAY 2016 a las 18:57 
I did a video where I explain how I handle Fennel, so you might find it helpful:

Demo starts @10:20 and the actual explaining starts @12:06

Good Luck!
Última edición por Combat Lobster; 10 MAY 2016 a las 12:09
Beatz 10 MAY 2016 a las 9:00 
Thanks, I beat her but, not flawlessly :P I'll watch that video anyway
onisora 10 MAY 2016 a las 14:34 
I`ll strongly recommend this video ( about battle against fennel. He just plays like a waltz, impressing me deeply. Also shows how great the operability of momodora can be . Hard to imitate though :P, just for fun.
My Bed Calling 10 MAY 2016 a las 14:52 
Alternatively, you can join me in being a scrub and equip Edea's pearl (or heavy arrow. Can't remember if you have it by this point) + pocket incendiary and shoot the heck out of her.

As long as you stay far enough, the only thing you need to watch out for should be the lightning. Her sword attacks shouldn't reach you until the 2nd half of the fight where you can just roll through her third strike and run to the other end.
Publicado originalmente por onisora:
I`ll strongly recommend this video ) about battle against fennel. He just plays like a waltz, impressing me deeply. Also shows how great the operability of momodora can be . Hard to imitate though :P, just for fun.

That is truly beautiful
MagneticDraw 17 MAY 2016 a las 22:41 
That video just made me weep tears of joy. Shows you how to get around her dash+slash combo (get behind her when she teleports forward). Here's a tip for most bosses: The 2nd melee attack in a combo and subsequently the 5th melee attack (give or take 1 attack) will flinch the boss, giving you leeway to do a full combo and roll away.
Última edición por MagneticDraw; 17 MAY 2016 a las 22:42
Beatz 18 MAY 2016 a las 3:55 
I don't even know what to say O.o Now that I watched this, I feel like a gaming noob, even though I started gaming on commodore 64 and had pretty much all consoles / pc models that came out after that lol
Última edición por Beatz; 18 MAY 2016 a las 3:56
eruciform 8 JUL 2022 a las 23:05 
i found an easier way than that insane video.

phase 1, dodge lightning, shoot from a distance, jump-dodge over her to get to the other side.

phase 2, same deal but her third swipe always goes TOWARDS you, no matter what, so you MUST be in front of her as you dodge into/thru the swipe, in order for her to go forwards, otherwise she goes backwards and hits you. and if she goes forwards, she'll be up against the wall and you run to the other side can shoot from a distance.

if you have a crystal seed, save it for second phase.

i thought the third swipe was random and it killed me looking for a pattern, but it turned out to be simple - always towards you. once i figured that out, i got a no-damage on her on the first try.

this means there's really only one tricky timing thing in the entire battle - making sure that you time going thru her third swipe. but it's sure a lot less timings than trying to melee her and dodge in and out of her range. she'd be less insane if she didn't have cause contact damage to boot.
Última edición por eruciform; 8 JUL 2022 a las 23:09
Aesica 28 AGO 2022 a las 22:33 
So this thread is from 2016, so I'm pretty sure the thread starter already has their answer. Either way, all I'm seeing is suggestions for beating her the hard way, so here's the easy way in case somebody else sees this in the future:

1. Equip the Bakman Patch (flawless kill vs Moka/Big Blue lady), the Pocket Incensory (flawless vs Arsonist), and the Tainted Missive (found in the monastery in that room with the big almost-miniboss and annoying mages)

2. Before starting the fight, use the missive twice, switch to Bakman Patch, start the fight, then pause/unpause to skip the prefight scene. Don't worry about the damage done to you by the missive, this is a boss you want a flawless kill on so you can get more missives.

3. Blast her with an arrow or two, which should stagger her and interrupt the lightning.

4. Use the Bakman Patch x2, which should take off a massive chunk of her health if she eats most of the hits from it

5. Finish her with some bow shots, but be aware you may need to dodge a lightning or two.

The whole thing should be done in just a few seconds. I'd post a video of it, but don't feel like replaying the whole thing just to get to her again.
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