Hitman GO: Definitive Edition

Hitman GO: Definitive Edition

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GlhrmCst 28 lutego 2020 o 10:01
achievement did not unlock
so, i completed all the objectives in the first chapter and the achievement did not unlock. What can I do?
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Mtz Piccoli 25 marca 2020 o 1:01 
I've got that too...
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Mtz Piccoli; 25 marca 2020 o 1:02
If you want it THAT bad just download steam achievment manager....
Hello ! I was having the same issue and when I complete the level 1-6 again, this achievement has been unlocked !
Omar 78 10 maja 2020 o 11:49 
Unlocked all achievements :lunar2020gigglemonkey:
Jubejubes 10 maja 2020 o 14:09 
Most of the achievements aren't working. Not really important if you ask me. Acvhievements ruin games. Good games go unplayed simply because of no achievements and cheating is encouraged (such as using SAM because a game has achievements that can no longer be required like arkham origins online for instance.) And just to clarifiy, yes SAM is cheating. Will using it get you banned? Yes , it will depending on the developers stance on the matter. Using it in any online game will basically result in you getting banned from that game, using it in a vac enabled game will result in you getting banned from VAC enabled games. About the only acceptable use it has is to give you achievements for games that have disabled servers and you cannot get the online only achievements anymore. Again, it's highly irrelevant whether you got the achievement or not. Companies have already commentated on this in the past.

If you aren't playing a game or the game experience is ruined for you because you don't have some medal for pushing a..

well you need to get over it. You shouldn't need a lil box that tells eveyrone you pushed a on your profile.

that said, if the game does have features like achievements..they should probably be fixed so said features work..

It just shouldn't be a game wrecker. It's not part of the game. IT's a bonus feature that activates to your online profile. Unless the achievements add actual in game bonuses (which many games do) than it should be irrelevant.

Ostatnio edytowany przez: Jubejubes; 10 maja 2020 o 14:18
Jubejubes 10 maja 2020 o 17:26 
all that said..you probably accidentally clicked on the little lightbulb which disabled the ability to earn "silent assassin"..

ie..disabled all achievements. Resetting your game and not clicking the lightbulb should fix the issue.

Have a good day.
Hans Gruber 10 maja 2020 o 18:03 
I didn't have any issues with the achievements.
Jubejubes 10 maja 2020 o 18:08 
Początkowo opublikowane przez 9./JG52 Hans Gruber:
I didn't have any issues with the achievements.
interesting. kind of irrelevant to the topic at hand.unless you can explain why you did not have any issues then

Ostatnio edytowany przez: Jubejubes; 10 maja 2020 o 18:10
Początkowo opublikowane przez Hinoutoumei(火王刀メイ):
Most of the achievements aren't working. Not really important if you ask me. Acvhievements ruin games. Good games go unplayed simply because of no achievements and cheating is encouraged (such as using SAM because a game has achievements that can no longer be required like arkham origins online for instance.) And just to clarifiy, yes SAM is cheating. Will using it get you banned? Yes , it will depending on the developers stance on the matter. Using it in any online game will basically result in you getting banned from that game, using it in a vac enabled game will result in you getting banned from VAC enabled games. About the only acceptable use it has is to give you achievements for games that have disabled servers and you cannot get the online only achievements anymore. Again, it's highly irrelevant whether you got the achievement or not. Companies have already commentated on this in the past.

If you aren't playing a game or the game experience is ruined for you because you don't have some medal for pushing a..

well you need to get over it. You shouldn't need a lil box that tells eveyrone you pushed a on your profile.

that said, if the game does have features like achievements..they should probably be fixed so said features work..

It just shouldn't be a game wrecker. It's not part of the game. IT's a bonus feature that activates to your online profile. Unless the achievements add actual in game bonuses (which many games do) than it should be irrelevant.
No, good games that you 100% and STILL PLAY< are great games. ie. Rocket League. Multiplayer games like CSGO>
Dota 2 should have received achievement to give noob players DIRECTION in how to play the game.
COLOBOC 24 maja 2020 o 15:20 
Hello dear, I have the same problem, I bought the game only because of achievements, because it was played on android, and in the game achievements just do not work for me, I can not earn them! why is there a solution?
Jubejubes 24 maja 2020 o 15:27 
Początkowo opublikowane przez {Twitch.tv}SativaPhoenix∞:
Początkowo opublikowane przez Hinoutoumei(火王刀メイ):
Most of the achievements aren't working. Not really important if you ask me. Acvhievements ruin games. Good games go unplayed simply because of no achievements and cheating is encouraged (such as using SAM because a game has achievements that can no longer be required like arkham origins online for instance.) And just to clarifiy, yes SAM is cheating. Will using it get you banned? Yes , it will depending on the developers stance on the matter. Using it in any online game will basically result in you getting banned from that game, using it in a vac enabled game will result in you getting banned from VAC enabled games. About the only acceptable use it has is to give you achievements for games that have disabled servers and you cannot get the online only achievements anymore. Again, it's highly irrelevant whether you got the achievement or not. Companies have already commentated on this in the past.

If you aren't playing a game or the game experience is ruined for you because you don't have some medal for pushing a..

well you need to get over it. You shouldn't need a lil box that tells eveyrone you pushed a on your profile.

that said, if the game does have features like achievements..they should probably be fixed so said features work..

It just shouldn't be a game wrecker. It's not part of the game. IT's a bonus feature that activates to your online profile. Unless the achievements add actual in game bonuses (which many games do) than it should be irrelevant.
No, good games that you 100% and STILL PLAY< are great games. ie. Rocket League. Multiplayer games like CSGO>
Dota 2 should have received achievement to give noob players DIRECTION in how to play the game.

Yes. Just pointing out that achievements do not matter. There are countless games that do not have them and are good games. Not wanting to play a game because there are no achievements is ridiculous; especially when you consider that achievements are a relatively new thing. There are numerous amazing games that existed before it which have stood the test of time (OG halflife, zelda, most mario games etc etc).

I agree with your statement as well :necroheart:
My problem , in the past 5 years, is collecting games, to stack achievements, and putting achievement-laden games ahead of really AAA+ good games in my library. I feel ashamed of it. Back in the day I never used to care about it.
XBOX360 Made me AWARE< of achievements <friends> but i didn't care till i could afford it..

my world of gaming is crazy, but lately i get achievement CRAVINGS :O
Jubejubes 24 maja 2020 o 15:31 
Początkowo opublikowane przez COLOBOC:
Hello dear, I have the same problem, I bought the game only because of achievements, because it was played on android, and in the game achievements just do not work for me, I can not earn them! why is there a solution?

If you are having issues with the achievements, just exit the game, go back into it. If it's an achievement such as getting silent assassin on a specific map, just play one mission and it will grant it. For the achievements requiring you to kill x enemies, sometimes they will stop counting. you unfortunately have to keep track of this manually and when you notice it happening you exit the game and load it again.

Alternatively, you can usually tell an achievement isn't tracking properly because when you beat a level the next level will not appear on the map..

When you notice this, exit the game, reload it and redo the previous mission.

Until they update steamworks/ this game, that is just the way it has to be..

Though don't count on them ever updating this game since SE no longer owns the rights to hitman and if they did they would have ported the HD trilogy to PC instead of selling us out of date PC versions. For instance hitman 2 is a hassle to even load and the graphics are subpar compared the the ps3 releases.
Jubejubes 24 maja 2020 o 15:35 
Początkowo opublikowane przez {Twitch.tv}SativaPhoenix∞:
My problem , in the past 5 years, is collecting games, to stack achievements, and putting achievement-laden games ahead of really AAA+ good games in my library. I feel ashamed of it. Back in the day I never used to care about it.
XBOX360 Made me AWARE< of achievements <friends> but i didn't care till i could afford it..

my world of gaming is crazy, but lately i get achievement CRAVINGS :O

Achievement Hunting is not really possible on steam like it is on games like WoW because steam never bothers to remove or disqualify achievements in games you can no longer get them in, or in cases where achievements are legit broken they take forever to fix them. In WoW, they take the achievements seriously and when one doesn't work go out of their way to fix it. Old achievements no longer possible to get they also turn into FoS and you don't get points..

Steam has no points system and no rewards system for getting achievements due to things like SAM existing. Achievements in steam are also client based instead of being solely on a server>(hence why they don't give a crap about people using SAM) In some cases Steam hands over achievements to the developers but usually that's for online only games with anticheat features.

Also, they don't want achievement score to be the sole reason anyone plays games, hence why they have implemented features to dissuade devs from making achievement clicker games.
Kitas 29 października 2020 o 6:45 
Just quit the game and come back a few hours later. Then, do one mission again and the achievement will count.
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