Gingergal 2 Aug, 2016 @ 7:51pm
achievements registering delays
Just FYI I am on windows 7, nvidia. My first achievement - make contact with demon didn't register until I left the game. But with banish demon, it didn't register even leaving game, I verified local files, exited steam etc but it did eventually register when I got the power of vision but those two achievements only showed up when I left the game (again) I kept leaving trying to trigger it but at least I got them but they are tempermental!

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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Gyhda 10 Aug, 2016 @ 2:13am 
Hi Gingergal!
I am the QA Tester of the dev team. Sorry for this late answer to your message.
I never had this issue with achievements and I just don't know what's happening here.
I transfer your issue to the devs but they are very busy working on our next game. I can't tell you when you'll be able to have an answer.
I will try to figure it our by myself when I'll have time if they can't do it!

Have a nice day there!
Gingergal 10 Aug, 2016 @ 4:18pm 
thanks for getting back to me, I have since finished the game and just happy to get all achievements. the other achievements did register when I exited the game (never in-game) so it seems that it was the two early ones that were tempermental.
Gyhda 11 Aug, 2016 @ 12:45am 
I'm glad you finished it! Feel free to write a review to let other players what you think of our game!

Thanks for all these informations! We'll try to figure it out! :LIS_flower:
Bunni* 28 Feb, 2017 @ 8:21am 
I have the same issue as Gingergal. My achievements are not showing up. I haven't tried to leave the game yet though.
TreeTrunk 21 Apr, 2019 @ 12:59am 
Achievements only register when I leave the game as well. :OurHero:
aboxinspace 26 May, 2020 @ 11:44am 
I've been playing for 4 hours without achievements, but as soon as I left the game, Steam unlocked the first three. I think it might be that the first playthrough never registers, and then afterwards it works normally. So less of a bug and more of a very minor annoyance thankfully.
aboxinspace 26 May, 2020 @ 4:56pm 
Nope, scratch that! Just booted up the game and played for a few hours again, achievements only registered after quitting. Seems like the game's default behavior, but they do get registered correctly, so all's good, in case anyone is worried.
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