Ghost of a Tale

Ghost of a Tale

Statistiken ansehen:
dodgy mouse/like a ghost
I'm on my second playthrough and I'm after dodgy mouse and like a ghost achievements.
I have some things in question that needs to be cleared out, since posts in forum says different things

if I get a hit by a spider/leech/bees or damage from mushrooms - does it count ? and will it prevent me from getting the dodgy mouse achievement?

alerting spiders, leech, bees, skeletons - does it also count as alerting guards? does it prevent from getting like a ghost achievement?
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cuss 4. Juli 2020 um 0:06
reload reload?
and as far as i know? Like a Ghost is guards only
my question was not "what can I do after getting hit" my question was "does mushroom, bees, leeches and spider " counts ?
going to see the rat in the sewers i get damage from mushrooms. so?

I saw a post on forums, where people said that spiders and leeches counts as well, so I had to ask.
cuss 4. Juli 2020 um 5:34 
Dodgy Mouse
Complete the game without getting hit by an enemy.
not positive but i'm guessing mushrooms and bees aren't enemies. i kind of like mushrooms.
spiders and leeches are hostiles ergo enemies.
that's how i see it anyway but i haven't collected those trophies yet.
well then, I hope you are right :)
cuss 4. Juli 2020 um 11:04 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Xxx_NurseMain69_xxX:
well then, I hope you are right :)

that sounded ominous so i did some checking. you're right about 'different opinions' in forum.
spiders and leeches count as guards? maybe best to save often and watch your 'stats' in the Menu.
leeches did not count as detection in statistics, but I'm still worried though. The story is not so short to just hope for luck :/ I wish it could be more precise.
There are also some opinions on steam that dodgy mouse achievement was bugged or something, dunno if it got fixed or not.
I kind of feel discouraged to be honest, spend another hours and hope for luck that skeletons do not count as detection, ehh

Question to you, how come you have so many hours in the game and still did not get all the achievements ? :D
cuss 5. Juli 2020 um 0:39 
i'm slow.
no, i lost about 10 hrs to a reinstall and another 10 to a new restart. and another 20+ to looonng chats with a friend. (start chatting, switch to the desktop to google something and forget the game was running) yeah i know, very sloppy. this was 6 months ago so i'm a little vague but i think i played ghost while a had a late night drink or two. let me assure you, it doesn't work. (umm.. what was i doing? where do i go now?) worst part is when i'd start and continue the next day? i'd scratch my head and say to myself, 'where the hell am i?'. haha. i've only just reinstalled GoaT to chase those achievements. when i finish metro ex, 3 to get, i'll get to it.
edit: good that leeches don't count. i'll remember that. don't be discouraged. it's a good game but buggy (what a surprise, another bugged game). those achievements? do them quick. stick to the main quest, save often, watch your stats, blah blah. sorry, no platitudes. good luck!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von cuss; 5. Juli 2020 um 0:56
oh I see :D I think in my case, drinking while playing would not disturb me much :P I can even play multiplayer games just fine after drinking, off course it depends what and how much, but I also played in competition after family celebration so I was a bit dizzy hahaha but we won.
But ok I get it now :) was just curious and worried if I would be able to get achievements till 40 hours xD have too many games to play.
The leeches and mushroom part worries me the most, and skeletons. But skeletons are in endgame so its not big of a waste compared to leeches part :/ this one leech in a tunnel is pain in the butt.
Well thanks, I shall carry on then. strong and confident till the end :D
9ull 10. Jan. 2024 um 12:35 
Have finished the game two times without getting hit and seen by guards, leeches and spiders.
Maybe Bees and Mushrooms do count as well T_T
On my first run I got all achievements except "Dodgy Mouse".
During my second run I received damage by thorns, mushrooms, bees and suffered some fall damage. I did not get hit by guards, leeches, spiders, nor by the final enemies. No "Dodgy Mouse" :(
Zuletzt bearbeitet von varialles; 11. Jan. um 13:26
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Geschrieben am: 3. Juli 2020 um 21:47
Beiträge: 10