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Community Guidelines
This forum should be a place where people can enjoy discussions about Stein’s Gate, and do so without fear of being spoiled on the series. There are a couple of guidelines in place for this reason, but they're short and sweet, and mostly boil down to being considerate of your fellow forum-goers.

  1. Be polite. This doesn't mean you have to agree with everyone all the time, but insults, slurs, passive-agressive behaviour, flaming, harassment, and other toxic acts will not be tolerated.(常に礼儀正しく心がけましょう。他の人に対する暴言・脅迫・ハラスメントのような態度は、絶対に許されません。)

  2. Do not leave untagged spoilers in threads not labelled with the appropriate spoiler notices in their topic title (see below). Out of respect for general forum-goers, this extends to spoilers for non-Stein’s Gate series as well.(初めて遊ぶ人でも楽しめるように、注意喚起のないネタバレ書き込みは避けましょう。例えばタイトルに【ネタバレ有】などとつけることによって、不要なネタバレを避けることができます)

  3. If a thread explicitly contains spoiler content for any part of Stein’s Gate, that fact must be listed in the topic title. This should be written in brackets before the main title itself to avoid it being truncated by Steam if the topic title is too long, like so: "[SG Spoilers] Brief Description of topic" For threads labelled like this, spoilers can be left untagged as long as they're within the scope indicated by the thread title. All other spoilers must continue to be tagged.(もしあなたの立てるスレッドがネタバレを含む場合は、タイトルに【ネタバレ有】のような一言を加えるようにしましょう。また書き込みには伏字のような機能もありますので、ネタバレを含む際には使用すると良いかもしれません。)

  4. Thread titles must never contain spoilers for any part of Stein’s Gate or other franchise. Doing so will result in the thread either being removed until the title is changed, or a moderator tweaking it slightly to avoid spoilers.(スレッドタイトルそのものによる、ネタバレも避けるようにしてください。場合によって運営の削除・編集の対象となります。)

  5. Threads should be constructive and add to discussion. Generally, this just means being polite (see rule #1). It also helps to explain your viewpoint or prompt for discussion.(ここでは前向きなディスカッションを楽しめるよう、常に礼儀正しくあることを心がけてください。)
Violations will first result in warnings, and then bans if behaviour does not change. Ban length will be proportional to the severity of the infringement, and will be up to moderator discretion.(暴言や他人に対する脅しのような態度を見かけた場合、まずは注意喚起を行います。改善が見られない場合、酷い場合にはBanを行うこともありますので、ご了承ください。)

Feel free to discuss these guidelines or ask for clarification below!
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Първоначално публикувано от FaceEater:
Oh look, another forum with the same copy-pasted guidelines; at least make it look a little different other than just changing the game's name lol.
Hang on, how many other forums have explicate rules surrounding spoilers? This is a genuine question by the way.
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