Stronghold 2

Stronghold 2

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Stronghold Crusader DE brought 8 new units
so I could not help myself but wonder about new units for a potential Stronghold 2 DE, which I really hope will be a thing. That said, I am not going into any kind of balance here.

Now, the units themselves would be the following(though simplified here):

Fire Thrower
Medium Cavalry
Crossbowman with Shield

There is a bit more to that though. Mostly because we have a different situation with Barracks/Mercenary Outpost in S2 then we have in SC. Crusader has a clear distinction in theme with European units in the barracks and Arabian units in the outpost. One that got expanded upon even further by grouping all of the new units in their own building and calling it Bedouin Stockade.
There is a clear theme of factions going own now (one that will hopefully be expanded with Byzantium in the future) but that does not work with Stronghold 2. Why? Because the mercenaries in Stronghold 2 are from all over the place. Axe Thrower and Berserker for a Viking on one hand and an Assassin like in Crusader on the other hand.
So, I figured it would be best to split the already existing mercenary units and add the new ones accordingly.

Northern Mercenary Outpost

Boat Warrior
Axe Thrower

That would be the original 4 for this one. The four new ones for this would be those:

Thrall – Viking-themed slave
Medium Cavalry
Axeman – With Axe&Shield to have the holy trinity alongside dual-wielding Axe Throwers and Berserkers with a Greataxe. Preferably also Viking-themed
Ranger – Working like Stronghold Crusader 2

Southern Mercenary Outpost

Light Cavalry
Horse Archer

That would be the original 4 for this one. The four new ones for this would be those:

Fire Thrower
Genoese Crossbowman – Crossbowman with Shield
Conquistadors from Spain - Swordsman

I know that might look a bit like a focus on Vikings and Arabians but I am actually for a general Northern/Southern European theme here.
Honestly, though I would very much prefer a straight up Viking-only addition. Of course with replacements for Axe Thrower and Berserker in the regular Mercenary Outpost who would be moved.

Of course, there is also the question of why not add a Healer to the apothecary? After all, SC DE did add a Healer, though as another unit in the Bedouin Stockade.
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lol i read as DEI :D got a bit worried
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