Pro Gamer Manager

Pro Gamer Manager

f4me 26 Oct, 2015 @ 5:30pm
Disappointing Game (Why?) READ B4 BUYING
So basicly i gave this game a decent shot, made it after a couple of tries to day 324.
Whats dissapointing is that the player has no impact on the games or players, talking ofcourse about the gaming house.
You are ALWAYS on the brink of getting bankrupt, and you cant afford new players bc of the week payment, tried alot of diffrent methods to make it "work" cant see a solution to it.
Still under development (the game), but there is aloooot to fix if its gonna sell, i enjoy the game but its not worth the 10 bucks at the moment
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Rise 26 Oct, 2015 @ 5:32pm 
No not really , its a really fun game, don't let this guy go down on you, buy it , its a awsome game :), also f4me, why did you buy it if you hat early accese games?
f4me 26 Oct, 2015 @ 5:36pm 
Daryl, Who said anything about hating early accsess games?, giving my opinion, the game is nowhere close to stable yet. I quote " i enjoy the game ".
Nikos 26 Oct, 2015 @ 9:55pm 
I agree i spent 5000 credit to sign a pro player and he never joined my team cause there is a bug or something when you have a full team and then i bankrupt.
arkaris_swift 28 Oct, 2015 @ 9:13am 
This game is very much an alpha game. Most of the mechanics are not fully implemented. People should buy this game understanding that. This does not diminsh the game, it is still enjoyable. At the time I am writing this the game is about the absolute minimal content for the game to be played. If it is worked on it should only gain more content and become a better game.

If you do not like early access or you think you should be buying a finished product then put this game on your follow or wishlist and see where it is at next Christmas. However, if a game that is being developed, with flawed mechanics or mechanics that are not fully implemented, is not going to interrupt your attempt to have fun then this is something you should support by buying. But also understand that purchasing the game now could leave you with an unfinished product 6 months from now when the developer shelves the game and never codes another thing on it. It is a Buyer Beware situation.
f4me 28 Oct, 2015 @ 12:35pm 
i thank you for the great information, there is alot of things to learn from it :)
SkyStream 28 Oct, 2015 @ 1:52pm 
now THIS is a good example of a useful post explaining early access
FallenSunGaming 8 Nov, 2015 @ 5:52pm 
you can't just rush into it, I was sitting on over a million credits for most of the early game, when I went into team mode, I became world champions with a team of 49-59s, with my character being a 99 overall skill, and first in the world in the solo bracket. I was spending ~5.5k /mo on team and staff etc. you don't have to spend 50k/mo per player just to win worlds.

Also the player has a huge impact on games. if you go straight to gaming house without mastering champions, mastering your role, etc, and actually spending time building up your skills, you're not going to win very easily. Also, setting up your tactics in team room, both for your whole team, and its position make a difference, as do making sure your team has proper synergy and team morale. Albeit in my opinion morale is a bastard to get up and maintain.
arkaris_swift 11 Nov, 2015 @ 3:42pm 
I should have also included in my explanation of Early Access games, that after 6 months you could end up with an entirely different product, or something that was delivered as promised and you got to see all kinds of ways to play the game through the development that explains mechanics others might not understand.

I really think this game is worth buying and supporting, but f4me is correct it is a bit underwhelming at the moment. The last update improved a lot of things but removed some mechanics I liked. We will have to see where the developer goes but I am excited for it. It scratches that itch for me especially since LCS is on break. I also have a 2 year old son that does not understand I have to set aside a 45 min block to play a game. This game allows me to knock out 100 simulated MOBA games a day which is nice.
123 12 Nov, 2015 @ 6:14am 
NPC Dad 15 Nov, 2015 @ 7:29pm 
I was going to post something similar but then I read the rest of the comments and you took the words out of my keyboard. Nice job with this.
Pray 16 Nov, 2015 @ 3:20am 
Calling a game disappointing when it's in extremely early alpha with 1 update out is rather silly.
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