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Jon.Topps 11 Dec, 2019 @ 10:49am
Achievements broken?
I see some complaining about broken achievements, sadly, the one for having more than five kids seems broken, which is the hardest to get...
I just bought a house, and manged to sell it before retiring, and I didn't get the achievement. So I'm guessing that's broken too?

Question though, do achievements only unlock if you're playing a certain mode? I was playing local with four human players. Is it necessary to play against bots to get achievements?
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
tim.doherty 17 Dec, 2019 @ 2:03pm 
yeah i'm just did the same thing. I got 2 from with bots. Guess it would be too easy if you just did 4 real people
Kochstudio 6 Jan, 2020 @ 2:17am 
yesterday i played against bots, bought and sold two houses and had five children. sadly no achievements.
borandi 27 Jan, 2020 @ 5:54am 
Played a 4 player full game, no bots, got 6 kids with the 4th player. No achievement
Last edited by borandi; 27 Jan, 2020 @ 5:54am
Jon.Topps 27 Jan, 2020 @ 8:58am 
I did manage to get this legit. I believe I had myself, and one bot. I don't think it's possible to get it if you play with other humans. I also believe the first time I did it, it didn't unlock, but the second time I did it, it did.
tim.doherty 27 Jan, 2020 @ 11:03am 
no bots is the problem, must be you against at least one bot, no 2nd or more people
Jon.Topps 27 Jan, 2020 @ 11:28am 
Just to help you all, there is a trick that works, even when playing against bots, where you can make the spinner fall where you want it to. I believe there's a guide in the guide section. You can get the achievement in one or two games if you use that trick.
Scarcal 29 Nov, 2020 @ 10:06am 
my friend got 6 children against me and no achievement obtain :(
Jon.Topps 29 Nov, 2020 @ 10:12am 
Originally posted by Scarcal:
my friend got 6 children against me and no achievement obtain :(

Originally posted by Jon.Topps:
I did manage to get this legit. I believe I had myself, and one bot. I don't think it's possible to get it if you play with other humans. I also believe the first time I did it, it didn't unlock, but the second time I did it, it did.
tim.doherty 29 Nov, 2020 @ 11:28am 
play vs computer AI, its all random but it will happen for you
Sir-Bear 20 Mar, 2021 @ 4:14pm 
do achievements also not work via online multiplayer? Played with that for the first time today, random match, and should have gotten some achievements but didnt. If it requires bots to get achievements I guess that rules out online multiplayer too?
tim.doherty 20 Mar, 2021 @ 4:34pm 
there is a bit of RNG but in an hour or two you will be at 100%
Karl Pilkington 24 Jul, 2021 @ 11:45am 
So far they have all unlocked as I expected. Played against CPU and a fellow human, they unlock fine. Just have the baby one left.
moneybags48525 2 Dec, 2024 @ 9:53am 
I tried a 4-player game, but the achievements are still locked. Even after buying your first house. In some cases, you'll get an error trying to buy something from the Points Shop
tim.doherty 3 Dec, 2024 @ 12:02am 
as in 4 humans controlling it? It needs to be you vs AI for achievements I think
yourjaguarlover 16 Dec, 2024 @ 4:28pm 
It's pretty common for games with couch play (local multiplayer) to either only allow for P1 human to gain achievements or for no achievements to be active if more than i local player is playing. There are network reasons and also fudging reasons why a game requires this. I realise that this isn't Counterstrike or anything but as someone said above, just play 1p against 1-3 bots and you should be fine, but you'll need to play enough to get the needed landings.
Last edited by yourjaguarlover; 16 Dec, 2024 @ 4:29pm
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