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Welcome and F.A.Q for these Forums!
Hey! Welcome to the Undertale Steam Forum!
This will be an un-official mostly spoiler-free F.A.Q and guide for the game and forums here! faq

If you think something is missing, feel free to comment and say so and it shall be considered based on the importance and subject.

First things first, these are all compiled based on the most common questions we get asked here, so this will be easier than getting that one link everytime or explaining it 10x a day.

The Game

Firstly, before you need help with anything, do keep in mind that the game is more about your personal experience, so use that determination first before you will check the following tips!

Don’t worry about “neutral or genocide or pacifist” if it’s your first time playing. Play the game how you want! Again, it’s the experience that counts! Play how YOU want, don't let a guide decide!

Common tip for better experience : Check everything :D

Q. How do I beat X Boss (spare)
A. Usually, there are subtle hints before or during battle that will indicate how to spare the boss. The standard formula is to survive the battle,
but occasionally you may need to do something in addition to merely avoiding their attacks.
You can mostly indicate a battle is progressing if the text changes these ways. If nothing seems to work… then look around and think about what the other options are.. how hard or absurd they even may seem like.
Indepth tips
Goat – A frog said something about sparing…. The dots will become longer when continue it.
Skeleton – Act and then survive… maybe
Fish – When one doesn’t give up… what can you do? You suspect you can find a way out of this while you're red.
Robot – Lights, Cameras, Action! Give the audience a show!
Goat clone – Sadly, there seems to be only one thing to do.
That other thing – Survive. And do the only thing you can do.

PS. Your game could crash at one of these, to continue follow these steps :
1. Start the game and pick continue
2. Black error room > walk up
3. Select your file and continue your journey

If your game crashes again, restart and try it again.. Use that determination. It will be fixed if you try.

Q. How to friend X (for pacifist)
(next to killing no one)There is an order for this.
Date/hangout with the skeleton (in his room)
Then you should go to that fish house in waterfall. You must have given fish water before. If not, then you done goofed.

Then the split. Is this your first run (while not having killed a single thing)? If yes, you go finish that run !Then load the game after credits things and come back.
IF you already finished a first run :
Visit the skeleton in his house, then after you're done with Fish, you will get clear instructions on what to do next.
Incase you just returned from the credits
> Head back to MTT resort for instructions.

These guides and tips will be as spoiler free as possible, but if you still have trouble, I suggest this link for “tips” throughout the game
Otherwise, google it, search the guides or watch a vid if you need a clearer answer. :(

The Endings you probably have achieved playing as blind as possible were listed above… So what other “routes” can one do? After playing with goats and flowers. Well….

Killing people! But not just everyone you meet… you need to use that “determination” of yours and hunt them ; grind.
- Attack everything
- Don’t spare once
- Tip : Keep the best healing items
Each “area” will need to be “cleaned”. This has to be done before the boss of said area. The game will tell you the most clear way possible when you succeeded. Yeap… now go kill those “friends”.
Bosses in this mode…. Is not gonna be like you expected.. If you’re at one of “those” bosses, you can view the following.
It’s “be gud” or “git gud”. There are no easy tips, other than just learning. This mode will punish you for your actions. It was only to be expected. Maybe watch no-hit runs to study patterns. These are quite helpful. There are no-hit runs on youtube for you to watch.
For fish – Almost all arrows have a set pattern. Learn them or search a guide for the answers. Maybe invincibility frame equips are handy?
For Blue eye – Reaction time is really important here. Also search for the guides here on steam. But these will be mostly be guides that tell the order of attack type and other small tips. No real answer.

Finished it?
Then you have to pay.. with patience and something else before you can redo the game.
Now.. make all your friends happy again? They kinda deserve it after all you did to them.

But, if you know what i am talking about. But can't handle that.. then there is this i guess.

C:/users/(your user with undertale)/AppData/Local/UNDERTALE
Delete 962 and 963

So those were the main things concerning the routes…. But there is more, always more. This game has 3 main endings (final bosses)
-Pacifist (befriending all main chars and no killing
-Neutral (anything inbetween these 2)
-Genocide (explained above)(sometimes dubbed No Mercy, opinions differ on this).
But that middle.. Neutral. That ending.. changes.. not the final boss…. But how your friends end up. You can try the game many different ways. It all depends on how many and who you killed. Feel free to experiment with that.

Other then that, try different dialogue, try to find some of the hidden rooms? Or maybe the fun value gives you a surprise.


Other common questions

Q. What is fun value?
A. A random generated number for each play that decides wich easter egg you can find.

Q. I bought the OST where is it?
A. If It is not in the steam Library It’s a file map now. Steam folder, then open steamapps, common, undertale.

Want to buy the OST? It's on the store page!

Q. I want to buy merchandise! Where can i buy those?
A. You can buy official Merchandise on Fangamer!
Other merchandise on other sites are UNOFFICIAL and should not be bought.
Fanmerch (like drawings and buttons etc) have special rules, for wich you should check Toby's twitter/tumblr for his current stand on it.
Latest stance: https://www.tumblr.com/undertale/139726155020/changing-policy-on-fan-merch?source=share
In short: No mass produced products and mainly handmade fanmerch at cons are OK!

Q. How to Screenshot?
A. There is no in build tool for that. You will have to use alt+prt scr, or another external program for it.

Q. How do i change my key bindings?
A. You can use AutoHotkey for keyboard bindings.

Q. I can’t upload artwork!
A. You need to own the Steam version of Undertale to be able to do that!

Q. I dunno if I will like this game…
A. Honestly we have no idea either. BUT we can advice you to try out the free demo! It’s on the official Undertale website! www.undertale.com
Do note that this Demo was created before Toby began working on the actual game. It won’t direcly represent what the final game will be.

Q. I got something weird/glitch/annoying dog!
A. Check the pinned down bug thread!

Q. How do i install X mod?
A. You should look if there are install instructions for those! Every mod installs differently and there is no one answer. Google is your friend!

If you still have questions regarding the game, post them in the comments! Fellow fans will help you :)

or if it’s technical, like crashing and you can’t find the solution, you can mail Toby himself!
Also if you have any burning questions regarding troubleshooting, merchandise, etc., his Undertale email is:


You can also follow him on his twitter https://twitter.com/fwugradiation


Some of the popular fun threads you should check out :D

Wallpapers! (be carefull for spoilers)
If you need some, look here! A good fellow regular has listed replies full of them, and alphabetically organized as well!
Give the guy some credit

Tiny details in the game! (spoiler-ish)
For when you want to know some of the more search worthy dialogue changes etc! Great for the people who really want to know everything this game has to offer. Toby sure put some effort into this game!

Memes, video's, music and more!
A thread with a lot of memes and fun video's to browse.

Also people will use memes. Don’t take those personal.
Q. Is this game a meme?
A. No, but it sure generated some!

Also don't bite bait ;)


The second game (Sequel? Prequel? Who knows!) has gotten uploaded to steam, and thus a new steam forum place has been created!

Please redirect all Deltarune talk to the relevant Steam Discussion Forums!



Again. If you think something is missing, feel free to comment and say so and it shall be considered based on the importance and subject!

Still got questions regarding the game or Q&A here? Ask ahead!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Crystalitar; 27 ก.ย. 2024 @ 1: 06pm
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 516 ความเห็น
Questions make my brain bleed.
QUESTION: does spider have puss puss
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Spooktunes:
QUESTION: does spider have puss puss

Yes. I've seen many pictures of the spider's puss puss.
There are also frequently asked questions on how to handle save files after genocide. I have a copy of the post i often give people so do you want me to just send that to you?
Very text, much information.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย ProPlayer:
Very text, much information.

Important stuff must read.
commenting to follow dis thread :T
Is there any way for you to pin this thread?
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Darivahl:
commenting to follow dis thread :T
There is a "Subscribe To Discussion" button in the top right-ish area.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย roymaster45:
Is there any way for you to pin this thread?
Only mods can do that.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย ProPlayer:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Darivahl:
commenting to follow dis thread :T
There is a "Subscribe To Discussion" button in the top right-ish area.
yeaaah im too lazy to click it
Wisdom there is, seek people must.

+420 likescopes
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย jouster500:
There are also frequently asked questions on how to handle save files after genocide. I have a copy of the post i often give people so do you want me to just send that to you?
hmm again, tampering with files should be googled imo :x or if you got the text i could add it withing a spoiler

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย roymaster45:
Is there any way for you to pin this thread?
If there is a way i would really love it
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Darivahl:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย ProPlayer:
There is a "Subscribe To Discussion" button in the top right-ish area.
yeaaah im too lazy to click it
Damn it...
You should add something about the lasting Genocide effects
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 516 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 23 ม.ค. 2016 @ 10: 34pm
โพสต์: 516