PLEASE PIN [How to fix the music] Roses And Wine 2013
Download can be had at Roses and Wine's official thread at the forums[].
Download can be had at Roses and Wine's official thread at the forums[].
Download can be had at Roses and Wine's official thread at the forums[].Download can be had at Roses and Wine's official thread at the forums[].

Цитата допису Covarr:
A new version of Roses and Wine is here.
This should be the last update. This is a new torrent (and we ask that the old one not be linked anymore). This fixes all known/reproducible bugs, but here's a list of changes anyway.

  • In-game volume control fixed for Windowed mode - press F1 while playing. This cannot be fixed in fullscreen. (DLPB)
  • External file volume control added - there will be a file called "vol=100" in your ff8 folder. Rename it to whatever volume you want the music to play at. (DLPB)
  • Roses and Wine no longer minimizes or loses focus when started. (DLPB)
  • It is now safe to install over previous RaW installations. (DLPB)
  • The installer now requires "Original Soundtrack" to be checked. (DLPB)
  • The installer now requests admin privileges by default. (DLPB)
  • The launcher now has its own icon. (Covarr)
  • A bunch of minor technical changes in how the DLL is injected. You probably won't notice the difference, but it should be more reliable. (Covarr)
  • In case of a bad installation, the launcher will no longer open itself dozens of times, instead erroring out and explaining to the user how to fix it. (Covarr)

Download can be had at Roses and Wine's official thread at the forums[].

From this point on, DLPB and I will likely no longer monitor this Steam thread. Any support or changes can be directed to the aforementioned forums. I may check back from time to time, but any support will be much faster coming there.

Download can be had at Roses and Wine's official thread at the forums[].Download can be had at Roses and Wine's official thread at the forums[].Download can be had at Roses and Wine's official thread at the forums[].Download can be had at Roses and Wine's official thread at the forums[].Download can be had at Roses and Wine's official thread at the forums[].Download can be had at Roses and Wine's official thread at the forums[].
Автор останньої редакції: Green Creature; 2 лют. 2014 о 12:59
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Показані коментарі 115 із 1,010
It's SGT files from what I've collected.

And I think people want the PS1, the OST or the Roses and Wine mod selection (they seem to be the most discussed).

And there are some minor fixes that has been made, improving it by quite alot, but there are some errors even in those.
That's not good... I haven't a freakin idea what a SGT file is.
Автор останньої редакції: Green Creature; 5 груд. 2013 о 18:43
Unfortunately they used an awful file type, instead of .ogg which is reasonable and is in fact great, the audio files are all .sgt, midi files.

This will most likely be the main problem.
Автор останньої редакції: Susurrus; 5 груд. 2013 о 18:46
Yeah, best ever.

And sorry if I wrote it wrong, not a pro on audio.
Автор останньої редакції: Gorbashou; 5 груд. 2013 о 18:47
This isn't good. They never changed the way the game handles audio.

This means that until a clever hacker/modder finds a way to release a patched exe of the game allowing ogg support, we cannot do anything at all.

Alternatively, I've heard that SE is promising a patch to insert the PS1 music. Does this mean it's also getting ogg support?
The best people can do is improve the soundfonts, which with some digging you can find the files to do so, but it does not even come close to the original quality.

And unfortunately most the ones I've found for the original PC release are all missing at least a few pieces each.
Still, nothing they couldn't improve. I mean, there's an amateur soundfont made years ago by Samuel Slight that already improves midis of this game. But that would mean Square should work on it. It took them an entire year for an official .ogg patch for FF7. Something that could have been done in one day. Square and work are not part of the same equation when it's about re-releases. My 2 cents.
Автор останньої редакції: Kayael; 5 груд. 2013 о 18:54

The thing is, I heard through the grape vine that the ogg support patch for FF7 wasn't even made by SE. Which means, someone besides them was able to jimmy rig it into the game.
So wait, this game uses Microsoft Direct Music? Can I get a confirmation on this?
Here's some stuff I've managed anyway since purchasing, I found an old mod for the original PC release, but the file link was dead, I dug around and found it and uploaded it to my dropbox now:

Place these in SteamApps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\Music\dmusic

You should overwrite 82 files in this process. Be sure to include all the .sgt as well as the .ea2 and .dls files or you may be left with no sound.

It still isn't up to par with the original quality but it's a much bigger improvement over what we've been given by SE.

Steam Edition:
Автор останньої редакції: Susurrus; 5 груд. 2013 о 20:02

May I use your link in my original post?

Well I didn't know that. If that's true, then... I mean, I'm happy Bravely Default is out on 3DS, but Square should just die but not rest in peace. Just being haunted by ghosts of past good games.


I'm not an expert but music files extension is .sgt and it needs a .dls file to be read. There's also a .ea2 file in the current "patch". I don't know if you can answer your question with this.

i probably wont be touching this game until they fix the audio
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