Weapons Genius

Weapons Genius

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8 Jul, 2015 @ 7:11am
The Price!
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
marchpane 8 Jul, 2015 @ 7:13am 
Can you add multiplayer fights so you can use your made weapon??
SGDEV 8 Jul, 2015 @ 7:16am 
@N0T4H4KZ0R All will be added in future updates! In future will be added missions loke Hitman! In forests or city! Just stay tuned!
Just saying this game doesent look like it would be worth 4.50 for me atleast. (i am VERY picky sometimes) and all you do is "make" guns and shoot targets? seems boring. future "missons" or not it doesent live up to expectaitons of me... a saten potato.
Perect english all the time.... well crap now i am going to get angry comments everywhere.
mac 8 Jul, 2015 @ 8:23am 
If you're really willing to pay $4.50 for this game you're probably like 12 years old and shouldn't be using your parents credit card.
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