Impulse Revolution

Impulse Revolution

sugarwhirl89 11 Sep, 2015 @ 12:48am
EULA Agreement will not load
During installation it says that there is an error loading the EULA agreement. I was able to install it anyway, but I am wary of having agreed to something where I have not seen the agreement...
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Ewan  [developer] 11 Sep, 2015 @ 4:18am 
Hi there, sorry, to be honest we hadn't added one. It's been updated now which you can look at below -

Thank you for playing Impulse Revolution. Here are the rules we ask you to follow if you have downloaded, installed or played Impulse Revolution. The following are a legal agreement between you and us, Mandlebar Ltd.

  • Do not re-sell, rent, distribute the game. We would ask that you don't just copy the game and give it to your friends either, or just upload it onto any online site/service where it can be re-distributed. The game is for your own personal use and downloading or installing it does not give you ownership rights.
  • Feel free to take gameplay videos and screenshots and post them anywhere you like as long as they are not edited to give a false impression of what the game is.

This list may be added to in the future, in mean time please enjoy the game.
sugarwhirl89 13 Sep, 2015 @ 8:58am 
Okay. Thanks!
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