Seba 24 Dec, 2016 @ 12:05pm
How do people even manage to play FPS with a controller?
It's a complete nightmare.
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Showing 1-15 of 29 comments
DeathTripp 24 Dec, 2016 @ 12:06pm 
Not with the Steam Controller. I wreck people with it.
TakenStew22 24 Dec, 2016 @ 12:07pm 
Uhhh... many people? Including me?
They put both hands on it and push the proper buttons.
Flekk 24 Dec, 2016 @ 12:26pm 
Advantage in movement in game, no extra button for slow or fast walk. Negative in aiming accuracy. Comfortable and relaxed sitting position in chair or sofa. Scuff or elite controller is awesome with its pedals.... I even play Battlefield 1 with positive kill death ratio against mouse and keyboard players.
Quineloe 25 Dec, 2016 @ 4:39pm 
It's basically because if you miss by less than half a barn, the game declares it a hit.

>Comfortable and relaxed sitting position in chair or sofa.

Yeah, I really hate that you can only use KBM when you're standing upside down and comfortable sitting is completely impossible.
Controllers are easy to use. Movement is much more precise than keyboard, however disadvantage is that aiming is slower (not necessarily less precise).
Quineloe 25 Dec, 2016 @ 4:43pm 
How is movement more precise? I steer with my mouse, which you just declared to be more precise when aiming - why does the same not apply with movement?

If I just press W, I walk forward in a straight line. The only reason you can do that with a joystick is because of the deadzone the game uses to make up for the lack of perfect accuracy.
Try playing a racing game, sports game, 3rd person action game with a keyboard. Movement with a controller's left analog stick is far more precise than a keyboard. Yes, mouse is better for aiming -- but controllers aren't necessarily less precise. You can aim wherever you need on a controller, it just takes a bit more time (time that can make a difference).

Try and make minute adjustments when moving with a keyboard, it's impossible. Can you walk continuously in a game like Dark Souls or The Witcher 3, or Call of Duty by pressing W on a keyboard? No, impossible. On controllers the analog rotors have different sensitivity levels.
Quineloe 25 Dec, 2016 @ 4:53pm 
Originally posted by savage starlight:
Yes, mouse is better for aiming -- but controllers aren't necessarily less precise. You can aim wherever you need on a controller, it just takes a bit more time (time that can make a difference).

Of course if the aiming point is exactly on the target, the shot will be just as accurate. The whole point is the time to get it on that target. Or how well you can follow a moving target.

Try and make minute adjustments when moving with a keyboard, it's impossible. Can you walk continuously in a game like Dark Souls or The Witcher 3, or Call of Duty by pressing W on a keyboard? No, impossible. On controllers the analog rotors have different sensitivity levels.

Of course I can, I have more than two fingers. Are you seriously comparing A/D for turning left and right? no one serious maps their keys like that anymore. That's Doom (1993) layout.
Okay lol, try playing against a person using a controller in FIFA, Dark Souls/Bloodborne, Project CARs/Need for Speed and watch as the person with the controller destroys you.

Again, can you walk continuously in a game like Dark Souls or The Witcher 3, or Call of Duty by pressing W on a keyboard? No, impossible. On controllers the analog rotors have different sensitivity levels.

You have failed to answer the question in my second paragraph.
InfinityJosh 25 Dec, 2016 @ 4:58pm 
Originally posted by savage starlight:
Controllers are easy to use. Movement is much more precise than keyboard, however disadvantage is that aiming is slower (not necessarily less precise).

Nothing is more precise and fast at aim than mouse+keyboard, when a mouse gamer encounter a gamepad gamer the gamepad gamer is a dead player playing.
🅱🅾🆁🅶 25 Dec, 2016 @ 4:58pm 
I prefer to use both depending on the game. If its a serious FPS multiplayer match then yeah I must use mouse and keyboard, however if I'm just sitting down in the living room, have the PC hooked to the TV, I prefer to use my controller for any type of game, even FPS.

Should learn to use both, its benefits are great :D
Last edited by 🅱🅾🆁🅶; 25 Dec, 2016 @ 4:59pm
Originally posted by Infinity Josh:
Originally posted by savage starlight:
Controllers are easy to use. Movement is much more precise than keyboard, however disadvantage is that aiming is slower (not necessarily less precise).

Nothing is more precise and fast at aim than mouse+keyboard, when a mouse gamer encounter a gamepad gamer the gamepad gamer is a dead player playing.
We are talking about movement, not aiming. I already mentioned mouse is better than controller for aiming. Learn to read. For movement, controllers are MUCH better.
Quineloe 25 Dec, 2016 @ 5:01pm 
you're wrong. I can toggle walking in Dark Souls and then I can walk forever just pressing W.

It's a very, very dumb argument, though. I can just hold a toggle key to keep walking, it's not like that's something regular gameplay requires.

You have failed to answer the question in my second paragraph.

Please refrain from trolling. You didn't answer my question to begin with, how the movement is more precise. I did answer yours, you simply rejected it because it doesn't fit your opinion.

By the way, I play my racing games with steering wheels like a proper man.
spicy little monkey 25 Dec, 2016 @ 5:03pm 
LOL toggle movement. With a controller I can walk/run in a split second. I'm done with you, you have zero idea what you're talking about. You also have zero idea what I said
Last edited by spicy little monkey; 25 Dec, 2016 @ 5:03pm
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