Sophie 19. des. 2024 kl. 11.52
Periodically dragging items from inventory to container causes crash
Dragging items from my inventory to a container will have the item freeze where I let go of it, and will still be there even when I open the menu. It also causes my right click to open the menu to stop working. I'll click and the menu doesn't open. Can be fixed my completely closing the game and reopening.

It started last night and it becomes more likely to happen the longer the game is running.
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Drathy  [utvikler] 19. des. 2024 kl. 12.18 
Hey there,

Could you please send us your logs for further diagnosis? You can find out how to send your logs here: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=798938225 under “Opening and sharing the Wayward log file”.

Tokmol 27. des. 2024 kl. 2.01 
can confirm. for me it seems to happen most often when dragging a stack of items into a bag. not always though.

let me see if i can upload logs when it happens again.
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