Nature's Zombie Apocalypse

Nature's Zombie Apocalypse

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Aniode  [developer] 9 Oct, 2015 @ 10:32am
What Animal would you like to see next?
We are currently adding some new animals into Nature's Zombie Apocalypse. And we were wondering what animals you would like to see in the game?
Also if you've had any ideas for crazy special animals (the ones you place down) we'd love to hear them!
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Showing 1-15 of 30 comments
SwissArmyKnife 1 Nov, 2015 @ 8:38am 
Armadillo with a Bowling Ball Rage attack - knocks zombies around randomly like bowling pins

Blind Mole with a Digging Rage attack - reburies zombies in the ground
Aniode  [developer] 2 Nov, 2015 @ 3:27am 
Not quite an Armadillo, but we have been adding a Pangolin, with that rage move :)

Like the idea of the mole, might look a bit funny on the bridge though :D
tannim 11 Dec, 2015 @ 5:21pm 
How about a squirrel. Nice flicky tail you could add some spike balls on a chain to, (s)he could dash up a wall to flip back off and dive down onto the ground for a shockwave(I don't know why it would make one, it's cartoon physics :P They're quick with nasty sharp pointy teeth, and cute.

Also fun, a skunk for a toxic gas cloud, admittedly undead probably wouldn't care about odor so it'd have to be beefed up with some corrosive or ice stuff.

Porcupine gets angry and shakes violently enough to fling its quills around for a few seconds in all direction including up into the air which arc down as needle rain. Maybe shoots them all, looks around in a huff, then pops out a new set before running off shooting again.

Spitting cobra. Talk about time saved by animating arms and legs. None to animate! Holds guns strapped to is head and it just looks where it's shooting. Lethal spit streams.
Aniode  [developer] 13 Dec, 2015 @ 5:01pm 
Originally posted by tannim:
How about a squirrel. Nice flicky tail you could add some spike balls on a chain to, (s)he could dash up a wall to flip back off and dive down onto the ground for a shockwave(I don't know why it would make one, it's cartoon physics :P They're quick with nasty sharp pointy teeth, and cute.

Also fun, a skunk for a toxic gas cloud, admittedly undead probably wouldn't care about odor so it'd have to be beefed up with some corrosive or ice stuff.

Porcupine gets angry and shakes violently enough to fling its quills around for a few seconds in all direction including up into the air which arc down as needle rain. Maybe shoots them all, looks around in a huff, then pops out a new set before running off shooting again.

Spitting cobra. Talk about time saved by animating arms and legs. None to animate! Holds guns strapped to is head and it just looks where it's shooting. Lethal spit streams.

Yes! I wanted a Squirrel in from the start, hopefully your vote will help persuade Richard to model one! Love the rage idea too, although I feel it should really involve nuts, not sure how but it should!

Skunk is a great shout too, maybe for one of the specials (animal buddies) that you can place down ingame!

We actually have a little porcupine already modelled up :) we plan on using him as a special (like the snails), he'll wonder around fireing needles at the zombies! I need to get on it and code him in!

And lastly the snake, well you wont believe it but we also have a snake modelled up, great minds think a like! He has a cannon for a tail and will be an awesome turret once I can figure out the best way of moving him around the game :)

Love the ideas tannim! Thanks!
tannim 15 Dec, 2015 @ 5:37am 
Originally posted by Aniode:
Originally posted by tannim:
How about a squirrel. Nice flicky tail you could add some spike balls on a chain to, (s)he could dash up a wall to flip back off and dive down onto the ground for a shockwave(I don't know why it would make one, it's cartoon physics :P They're quick with nasty sharp pointy teeth, and cute.

Also fun, a skunk for a toxic gas cloud, admittedly undead probably wouldn't care about odor so it'd have to be beefed up with some corrosive or ice stuff.

Porcupine gets angry and shakes violently enough to fling its quills around for a few seconds in all direction including up into the air which arc down as needle rain. Maybe shoots them all, looks around in a huff, then pops out a new set before running off shooting again.

Spitting cobra. Talk about time saved by animating arms and legs. None to animate! Holds guns strapped to is head and it just looks where it's shooting. Lethal spit streams.

Yes! I wanted a Squirrel in from the start, hopefully your vote will help persuade Richard to model one! Love the rage idea too, although I feel it should really involve nuts, not sure how but it should!

Skunk is a great shout too, maybe for one of the specials (animal buddies) that you can place down ingame!

We actually have a little porcupine already modelled up :) we plan on using him as a special (like the snails), he'll wonder around fireing needles at the zombies! I need to get on it and code him in!

And lastly the snake, well you wont believe it but we also have a snake modelled up, great minds think a like! He has a cannon for a tail and will be an awesome turret once I can figure out the best way of moving him around the game :)

Love the ideas tannim! Thanks!

Squirrels do like nuts, but they also like sunflower seeds and various other seeds. Maybe he wears a vial around his neck with some mutated nuts/seeds and when rage hits grabs it and stuffs it into his mouth for the power up to do the wall jump(it could just be an arcing jump up into the air, really) and ground smash. Could also be that he's actually alergic to the nuts and they give him a powerful case of gas that shoots out instead of a shockwave.

For a rare alternate animal idea, Alpaca would be fun. Long necks can wobble back and forth as they run and gun. Rage attack, drops to all fours and seemingly completely helpless and looking around with huge eyes lower lip wobbling pouty puppy dog eyes face. The disturbingly cute posture makes even the heartless zombies hesitate and slow down in their approach, then the Alpaca hops up with a burst of speed. For extra fun, have it throw a grenade in 4 directions.
Semmel 1 Nov, 2016 @ 12:30pm 
Maybe a super cute Hamster or a panda?

The super cute Hamster should have food spitting rage attack
and the panda would be funny with a gun because the play on words:
The Panda eats(,) shoots and leaves.
Last edited by Semmel; 1 Nov, 2016 @ 12:34pm
Vorlonbob 3 Dec, 2016 @ 9:14am 
Man, you gotsta put a camel in.
Ness_and_Sonic 3 Jan, 2017 @ 5:57pm 
Kangaroo (Kick boxing rage attack.)
Wolf (Wolf in Zombie's clothing Rage attack. Tricks Zombies with a disguise.)
Rhino (Headbutts that impales enemies with its horn as its rage attack)
Komodo Dragon (rage attack could be a play on the fact that is called a "dragon".)
Octopus. (Drop Weapon. Plain old octopus. Stays in one place, but can grab up to eight enemies at once if they get too close and keep them stationary until you can get back to the location where you placed it to deal with them personally. Could be useful for Egg Guardian missions.)
Fox (Rage attack: Decoy. Throws a chicken that zombies will fight each other over).
Others I'd like to see, but really don't have much of an idea rage attacks for:
Edit: Thinking about it, an alternative rage attack for the wolf would be to have it do a werewolf inspired transformation.
Last edited by Ness_and_Sonic; 28 Sep, 2017 @ 8:48am
HydeMario 22 Feb, 2018 @ 9:29pm 
Crocodile would be awesome ! Horse or Zebra very fun, +1 Rhino good option.

+1 Octopus could be funky but tricky with an ink spam or something.

Giant Butterfly ? Oo

Or maybe a Caterpillar that when you do enough kills/damage turn into a Butterfly and can fly a little over zombies for a limited time and heal everyone.

Ness_and_Sonic 6 Apr, 2018 @ 1:28am 
Originally posted by HydeMario:
Crocodile would be awesome ! Horse or Zebra very fun, +1 Rhino good option.

+1 Octopus could be funky but tricky with an ink spam or something.
The idea for the Octopus is pretty much a tar trap. Not really kill them, but actively slow them down as to buy you some time.

I'd suggest a deer instead of horse or zebra. A rage attack for it would be it gets struck by lightning, which ends up being contained in its antlers, allowing it to electrocute zombies.
Last edited by Ness_and_Sonic; 8 Apr, 2018 @ 11:43am
Aniode  [developer] 6 Apr, 2018 @ 3:39am 
Nice ideas guys keep them coming! :D
I like the idea of electrified antlers, that's right in the random spirit of the game, haha!
Ness_and_Sonic 8 Apr, 2018 @ 12:07pm 
Bats (drop weapon; Bats with mega phones attached to their mouths to amplify their abilities.)
Last edited by Ness_and_Sonic; 8 Apr, 2018 @ 2:39pm
Ness_and_Sonic 21 May, 2018 @ 8:29am 
Aniode, what are your thoughts on the Komodo Dragon? I'm thinking for a rage attack it temporarily sprouts wings, takes flight, and starts spitting fireballs like meteorites. Basically, it's a fiery air strike.
Aniode  [developer] 31 May, 2018 @ 5:39am 
@Ness_and_Sonic I like that idea! We will add it to the list of possible new animals :)
Ness_and_Sonic 7 Jun, 2018 @ 6:00am 
Thanks. I was thinking about an alternate rage attack for a Kangaroo would be its pouch. Either it would be hiding something in it, which could be a grab bag kind of rage attack with different possibilities, or it could be used to try to suck enemies up like a vacuum cleaner.

Edit: For the fox, you could give it a microphone and a spell book and have it speak some odd incantation into the microphone as a play on the "What does the fox say?" meme. It would free up the chicken decoy (which I think is what would happen if a fox guarded a hen house with zombies around) for the tiger.

For the wolf, it might be an option to have it become stronger in a manner similar to a werewolf or something like that. Another idea would be to have it split into multiple wolves so it creates a wolf pack.
Last edited by Ness_and_Sonic; 7 Jun, 2018 @ 9:30pm
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