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Apollo Duel Achievements?
So... I am almost done with my play through. I've got like 66 hours. I love this game. I love the story, the action... I've really enjoyed my time with the game. This will probably be on my all time favorites list.

I was considering going for 100% completion for once... which I never do. But then I found out that I guess there is no way to go back and get achievements for the duels with Apollo. I only beat him once, so the first and third duels I would need to repeat in a new game.

This is so disappointing... the first duel I guess is early enough in the game that I could do it in a few hours, but can you imagine re-running the entire game just to have to beat Apollo in the 3rd duel? I'm pretty bummed. Is there really no way around that? I wish they had made that clear, because unlike every other fight in the game you get no warning... the story just continues on when he beats you. And you cannot even just reload the save from the pause menu, you have to know to quit to the main menu then load the save before the fight.

I didn't even know those were achievements, I thought it was just part of the story. I guess the same could be said for Shizuka's duel at the end game when she goes ballistic on you outside Satoshi's lab, but I did manage to beat her a couple times in that so I got that achievement.

I doubt the developers still check this forum but please, please don't do that in the new game. Make every achievement something we can work toward, or at least something that is obvious so that we know to save scum it until we win.
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You can speedrun it on ng+ i even get the dungeon race achivement on ng+ and didnt complain at all, apolo achivememt are way more earlier to get than dungeon race achivement.
klaud lähetti viestin:
You can speedrun it on ng+ i even get the dungeon race achivement on ng+ and didnt complain at all, apolo achivememt are way more earlier to get than dungeon race achivement.
Totally forgot about dungeon race. I guess those are the ones that you need a second playthrough to get...
Just a lot of time to sink into doing the game again I guess, because you still have to level up and everything?
sillybrian lähetti viestin:
klaud lähetti viestin:
You can speedrun it on ng+ i even get the dungeon race achivement on ng+ and didnt complain at all, apolo achivememt are way more earlier to get than dungeon race achivement.
Totally forgot about dungeon race. I guess those are the ones that you need a second playthrough to get...
Just a lot of time to sink into doing the game again I guess, because you still have to level up and everything?
You dont need to do a 2nd playthrough just play the ng+ only to get the achivements and then you can delete the data (thats what i did but keep the original data) if you wants to speed up the process even more make sure you have at least 5k trophy points.

In my opinion the only reason you want to do 2nd playthrought and max your level is if you have the dlc because dlc unlock ascended equipments these equipments level scale with your level so if you dont have the dlc idk why you want to do it.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on klaud; 6 tuntia sitten
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