Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight

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The Silksong situation...
Maybe the reason why silksong hasn't released yet is because, I hate even saying this, but maybe the sealed siblings ending is cannon... Yeah this would be horrifying after all I am one because I personally take the embrace the void ending as cannon.
< >
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Tomorrow For Shaw!

In all seriousness, Team Cherry confirmed all endings are canon. What this means? I have no clue. I trust Team Cherry though.
purevessel 2 Dec, 2024 @ 3:00am 
Originally posted by TheAlmightySunBro, Silkaire:
Tomorrow For Shaw!

In all seriousness, Team Cherry confirmed all endings are canon. What this means? I have no clue. I trust Team Cherry though.
For full context, team cherry said they dont like true endings and they are all EQUALLY canon, but iirc before godhome, so they may have changed plans.
Hotel Security 2 Dec, 2024 @ 6:09am 
>Maybe the reason why silksong hasn't released yet is because, I hate even saying this, but maybe the sealed siblings ending is cannon.

I think there's a curse where every time someone makes a new negative post about Silksong, it gets delayed a day. So now we're flooded with these posts and it's delayed in indefinitely.

That said, it's ridiculous that Team Cherry would let something like plot get in the way of a game's development. I think it's a very low priority on their list.

>In all seriousness, Team Cherry confirmed all endings are canon. What this means? I have no clue

I do. It means that Silksong won't even address the ending of Hollow Knight so it doesn't matter which is canon.
Last edited by Hotel Security; 2 Dec, 2024 @ 6:10am
purevessel 2 Dec, 2024 @ 7:36am 
Originally posted by Hotel Security:
>Maybe the reason why silksong hasn't released yet is because, I hate even saying this, but maybe the sealed siblings ending is cannon.

I think there's a curse where every time someone makes a new negative post about Silksong, it gets delayed a day. So now we're flooded with these posts and it's delayed in indefinitely.

That said, it's ridiculous that Team Cherry would let something like plot get in the way of a game's development. I think it's a very low priority on their list.

>In all seriousness, Team Cherry confirmed all endings are canon. What this means? I have no clue

I do. It means that Silksong won't even address the ending of Hollow Knight so it doesn't matter which is canon.
silksong will be released in 3576 if the curse is true
sekai 3 Dec, 2024 @ 10:15am 
Maybe Silksong is the friends we've made along the way.
Last edited by sekai; 3 Dec, 2024 @ 10:15am
purevessel 3 Dec, 2024 @ 10:32am 
Originally posted by sekai:
Maybe Silksong is the friends we've made along the way.
Hornet is someone who we befriended.
Silksong's main character is hornet.
So silksong was the friends we made along the way.
Titan_Launcher 5 Dec, 2024 @ 6:44pm 
Even though I was making light of the situation I must say there is a certain question what endings will they run with because at least four can be congruent with a sequel. I don't even believe that the Shade Lord will be the final boss, but hey if we got the pale court I don't see why mods can't deliver here as well. This is a little less somber from the original post but has anyone considered what new and amazing mods will arise in Silksong, sure I'm kinda sad it's taking so long; but I say it's just another reason to be more exited for Silksong.
Last edited by Titan_Launcher; 6 Dec, 2024 @ 5:22pm
Hotel Security 6 Dec, 2024 @ 12:32pm 
^Like I said, I don't think Silksong will have anything to do with the final events in Hallownest.
Titan_Launcher 6 Dec, 2024 @ 5:25pm 
Fair point, I can see why that would be the case I didn't mean to say that I thought the shade lord will be the final boss. And I also somewhat share that same opinion; I changed it because I didn't realize it said "will not be". I know that the shade lord won't be the final boss but it is interesting to think about what it may be though.
Last edited by Titan_Launcher; 7 Dec, 2024 @ 8:07am
Titan_Launcher 6 Dec, 2024 @ 5:27pm 
And don't tell me a Silksong Randomizer doesn't sound amazing, although it does sound like it could be easy to get soft-locked though.
Last edited by Titan_Launcher; 7 Dec, 2024 @ 8:07am
Titan_Launcher 28 Dec, 2024 @ 10:32am 
I doubt it will get released or even announced this February but I am hopeful for the mid to last quarter of 2025 possibly.
Silvergun_Raven 29 Dec, 2024 @ 7:00pm 
It's going to be shown with a release date, alongside the Switch 2 announcement video :)
The ARG was wrong... If I had nickle for each time a major string of 20 coincidences coincided with each other to make it look like it was something but instead it was nothing I'd have Seven and a half nickles.
And now that I think about it, because all endings cannon is there Hollow Knight multiverse and if so will Hornet be the next cameo in the next Into the Spiderverse? After all she is a spider; she wears red too...
Last edited by Titan_Launcher; 9 Feb @ 12:30am
Originally posted by Titan_Launcher:
And now that I think about it, because all endings cannon is there Hollow Knight multiverse and if so will Hornet be the next cameo in the next Into the Spiderverse? After all she is a spider; she wears red too...
Team cherry said there are no true endings, pre godhome too. And that all endings are equally canon, which doesnt mean any of them are canon.
< >
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