Battle Brothers

Battle Brothers

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Antifringe 13 Dec, 2020 @ 11:00am
Renown and contract values
We all know that contract values scale with Renown, but by how much? I couldn't find a guide on this topic, so I decided to figure it out myself.

I found the formula in scripts\contracts\contract.nut. It's complicated, which is probably why no one has written a guide about it before:

this.Math.minf(2.5999999, this.Math.maxf(1.35, this.Math.pow(this.Math.maxf(0, 0.003 * this.World.Assets.getBusinessReputation()), 0.39)));

This number gets multiplied against the contract's value. There are other multipliers (economic settings, difficulty of the job, etc), but we aren't looking at those today.

The function's growth rate decays exponentially, and has hard floor/ceilings at 1.35 and 2.6, respectively. Here is a graph:


It's not a very pronounced curve, and you can approximate it as a line with a slope of 0.0004

Some takeaways:

-The first ~720 points of Renown do nothing. In that region, you're being supported by the hard floor of 1.35.

-Anything after ~3870 Renown does nothing. You've run into the hard cap of 2.6.

-In the middle region, each point of Renown is worth roughly +0.0004, or about a 0.3% increase from the starting values of the contracts.

-Going from zero Renown to 3870 roughly doubles the value of contracts (it's actually more like +94.5%).

I've spot checked this empirically using the debug mode from Vilain Joueur and JCSato's Tweaks and Fixes mod to quickly alter my Renown. No obvious deviations from theory.

I found nothing that suggests that contract difficulty scales with Renown in any way. It only increases the payout.

In practice, contract values go up by more than this, because contract value also scales with difficulty, which in turn scales with player strength. Renown is not factored into player strength, but it would be very odd indeed to be at 3870 Renown and still only have three first level brothers.

The effective cap is kind of low. I get close to that value by the first crisis. The Ministrel seems like an especially bad use of a retinue slot, unless you are using him to quickly filter through tavern rumors. His +15% bonus to Renown means that you'll hit the cap of 3870 after earning 3365 "basic" Renown, which isn't much of a savings. It will actually be less than that, because you don't start the game with him, and he isn't even hireable until you've visited every town on the map. By the time you've done that, you probably have around 1000 Renown anyway. I doubt you will ever break even on the Ministrel, and he should only be hired if you're going for a high score or if you like the rumor ability.
Last edited by Antifringe; 13 Dec, 2020 @ 3:50pm
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
turtle225 13 Dec, 2020 @ 11:29am 
Interesting to see the numbers behind it. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I hadn't realized there was no concrete gain at low renown.
NM9G 13 Dec, 2020 @ 11:36am 
Renown is spelled wrong here, it might help with future search-ability/research if it is corrected
Antifringe 13 Dec, 2020 @ 3:22pm 
Hahaha I have no idea how that happened. I know better, and it looks so weird spelled that way. I guess I had a case of late night brain. Fixed now.
Antifringe 15 Dec, 2020 @ 4:18am 
I've been thinking about this, and I'm not happy with the implications. Renown gain effectively stops being a mechanic at 3870. That's very disappointing, especially since the game tracks your title all the way up to 14,000 (Immortal). I'm playing a game right now, and I'm at 3200 Renown on Day 55. I haven't even gotten a hint about the first crisis yet, and Renown is almost a done deal.

I played around with the math, and allowing contract price to scale with Renown all the way up to Immortal doesn't seem unreasonable. That would give you a hard cap of x4.3 at 14,000 Renown. The current cap is x2.6 at 3870 Renown. That's only about a 65% increase. Honestly, contract money starts to shrink to a tiny fraction of your income after a while, a +65% increase doesn't sound all that crazy. It would give the Minstrel room to maybe flex his abilities a bit, and it would indirectly buff the Negotiator, whom I consider to be one of the worst followers right now (probably still won't save him, but whatever).

Anyone have any thoughts on this? It's a very easy mod to make, just changing a single number. To be clear, I'm not asking for permission or anything. It's my game, I can obviously mod it any way I want. But I am interested in reasoned opinions about whether or not such a change would make for a better game experience.
Last edited by Antifringe; 15 Dec, 2020 @ 4:44am
MMMMK 15 Dec, 2020 @ 5:31am 
Originally posted by Antifringe:
It would give the Minstrel room to maybe flex his abilities a bit, and it would indirectly buff the Negotiator, whom I consider to be one of the worst followers right now (probably still won't save him, but whatever).

I like the Negotiator. He's easy to obtain early, and he makes his money back quickly. The rest is pure profit.

Agreed on the Minstrel, though. Visiting every settlement can really set your company back early on. Might be useful if you're chasing the highest renown levels for other reasons, but he definitely isn't worth it for the money.
Antifringe 17 Dec, 2020 @ 5:58am 
I've been playing on a modded file where I let Renown continue to scale all the way up to 14,000. I like it. Doesn't feel out of balance at all. Helps contracts keep pace with the ever increasing value from combat loot.

It actually makes the Minstrel viable. If you hire him at 4000 Renown (a reasonable estimate of where you'll be by the time you've visited every town), he ends up giving you good value. I graphed how much extra pay you get from his bonus as a function of total Renown earned, and it's pretty good, progressing roughly as +1% pay per 500 Renown earned (that is to say 0.01 more pay scale than you would have gotten if you had earned the same raw Renown without the Minstrel). By the time you hit the cap, you're 16 percentage points above the non-Minstrel case.

That's in line with the effects of the other followers. It's roughly as good as the Negotiator, and the Negotiator is improved by both the higher cap and the Minstrel's acceleration.

I can make a mod for this, but I should really figure out Mod Hooks. Right now, I only know how to make crude "hard replacement" mods.
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Date Posted: 13 Dec, 2020 @ 11:00am
Posts: 6