So, what happened?
when I first saw the teases for Roguelands it was on moddb or something when I was but a lad, and Sean described it as some sort of survival apocalyptic mmo. Little guys with big backpacks, standing next to some zombie looking enemies and dilapidated buildings. Game looked amazing. Comes out on steam and it seemed nothing like that but still had a cool vibe to it so I decided to give it a shot. Was pretty disappointed, but a couple years and a few updates later it looked like he fleshed it out a bit. Then one day, out of the blue, Sean posts something in the news section of Roguelands that said something along the lines of "I've been making videogames wrong. I'm sorry." and then just abandoned the project and went silent as far as I could tell. Can someone who had passion for Seans games fill me in on what happened? Always made me sad to see such promise and passion just be given up on.
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Well, as someone who had Magicite in 2014 and saw it abandoned after being thoroughly broken...It seems he is a serial abandonware type. Magicite had a lot of promise and was heading in a great direction, abandoned for Roguelands. Roguelands had a lot of promise and was heading in a great direction, abandoned. I think he made the kindergarten ♥♥♥♥ which was successful??? But seeing as he has two great concepts trashed as abandonware, it's hard to call that a win.
Nguyên văn bởi Resident NATO Freedom Enjoyer:
Well, as someone who had Magicite in 2014 and saw it abandoned after being thoroughly broken...It seems he is a serial abandonware type. Magicite had a lot of promise and was heading in a great direction, abandoned for Roguelands. Roguelands had a lot of promise and was heading in a great direction, abandoned. I think he made the kindergarten ♥♥♥♥ which was successful??? But seeing as he has two great concepts trashed as abandonware, it's hard to call that a win.
Sounds about right. I didn't realize he made another game
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